Today lays heavy on the hearts of our family. Five years ago today - TopicsExpress


Today lays heavy on the hearts of our family. Five years ago today we lost a piece of our hearts. Her name was DeAnna Joy Kniceley. Although she was so much more than just a name. She was a daughter to Bud and Sandy Freeman, a sister to Kent Freeman and his family, a wife to my brother Kevin Kniceley, but most of all she was a mother to Kota, Kyler, and Kolton Kniceley. This was her favorite job in life and it can be seen in these three boys. Everyone Kota meets gets a hug. This is Deannas arms hugging with Kota. All we ever get from Kyler is OK or Im fine with his little crooked grin. That grin is DeAnnas. And Kolton, oh how we all know those eyes. All we have to do is look in the eyes of Kolton to see DeAnna everyday! Words cannot describe how proud I am of my brother and the awesome job he is doing at raising these three fine young men. We will never get over the heartbreak we felt five years ago, one week before Christmas,but, we move on. Some wounds never heal, but DeAnnas passing has brought our family so much closer together. She taught us the true meaning of love and family. This is the eulogy I delivered at DeAnnas funeral five years ago and it still touches my heart today.... DeAnna was more of a sister than sister-in-law to all of us. She was always there when we needed an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on or a hug. DeAnna loved life; some of her favorite hobbies left us with priceless memories. Her love of camping has brought the family together as she organized our trips making sure every I was dotted and t crossed. DeAnna also loved her bowling trips especially the state tournament weekends when she could hang out with the girls. She was always there from trips to Myrtle beach with my kids and then later on to Ocean City for Daisys wedding with her own kids. Family reunions and trips to parks was always an adventure. She enjoyed every second and tried to get the most out of every opportunity. From spending time with DeAnnas parents Ive learned that she was the apple of there eye. One of her most prized possessions was a brown teddy bear they gave her as a child, which was with her till the end. She was a perfect daughter, student, and sister. She always strived for excellence. After high school, she met Kevin on the basketball court. This was a game that would last a lifetime. They were like two peas in a pod for fourteen years and after the birth of her twins, Kota and Kyler, and becoming a mother, she found a new calling in life. She enjoyed being a mother so much she blessed us with another nephew, Kolton. Her life felt complete. DeAnna was blessed with wonderful spiritual guidance through her preacher. He has become part of the family. His comfort and guidance has given us all peace and tranquility. When I walked out on DeAnnas back porch Saturday morning I knew she was in heaven giving us this beautiful snow and reminding us to celebrate her life. This was her favorite time of year. She loved nothing more than this snow and the electric being out on Carpenters Fork. Im sure shes enjoyed seeing all of us trying to get ready with no electricity. Although our hearts are heavy, we can always be sure that DeAnna is in heaven smiling down on us through every season. Those were some of the hardest words I ever read. If you see one of her boys today, or any day, give them a hug and tell them their momma really loved them to the moon and back, more than they will ever know! And to my brother, Kevin, keep up the good work, I love you with all my heart. With Marinda Kniceley, Gerry Kniceley
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 16:16:33 +0000

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