Today lyk any of ma odr day(aftr ofc), walkig through R BLOCK side - TopicsExpress


Today lyk any of ma odr day(aftr ofc), walkig through R BLOCK side f d city(patna) saw a young lady may b in her teens havig baby & badly meagerly malnutritiond, thought f givig som money bt gt 2 stop maslf as it may not b any use to her or to the baby... D condition seems 2 b so pathetic dt not competitive evn to eat on there own.. Govt. Says do not encourage beggars bt evn d govt. Is not doing anytg special fr these starving souls... Hw cn a human stop by not helping.. Cursed 4 a while 2 maslf n to the society as a temporary way of finding any solution... Walked little ahead for coupl f minutes then agn came bck my restlessness ws on its peak saw a cop standing tilted on his byk in uniform busy collecting money for evry inch of illegal motor movt. Laugh a little looking up in d sky n thinking GOD hw puzzled is your theory of equality.... Moved away frm there wid a determination dt v ms do somethg 4 d society odrwise dere is no use of lyf which only fulfills self desire... !!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 12:49:37 +0000

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