Today marked me knowing what is the zahir in Paulo Coelho book, - TopicsExpress


Today marked me knowing what is the zahir in Paulo Coelho book, although it is not something new , it kept me wondering about it, and how can I overcome it without looking like a hippie. The zahir is everything we are taught to do by traditions , study what your parents want ,make your parents happy even if it makes you unhappy , get a job , get married , have kids ; Show your best cars, show off your wife (you must abide by the beauty standards and choose your wife based on them) , your wife shows her jewelry . we don’t love , we possess our partners either by body or soul , many times both. We can talk in everything that matters or don’t matter, but at the end we can’t talk about our feelings toward each other because it show us weak. What’s very interesting is what happens when people decided to deflect from the tribe, from the Zahir, from being normal? There are 2 options either society beats us down until you become normal again or they expel you because we might infect other people. In Egypt as its always is we take the flaws of the western society and we magnify it , we took the culture flaws as a basic for the main dish , added religion misconceptions for the taste and then added ignorance and bullying as the cherry on the top so that we have our Egypt. I don’t need to mention that in addition to things mentioned earlier as an example for the Zahir (society traditions), we have our dependence on our parents, the amount of control they exercise on our lives from what to study , to who you can and can’t marry , how they destroy couples lives because of finances. (And yes I am deflecting my past problems into this article). The question here, is it breakable?? The zahir, society’s traditions or whatever we call it?? And how can we do it without looking like hippies?? I think yes it can be broken, i think we must be able to have patience to find the people (friends, girlfriend) who can and want to break the traditions . We must try to talk about mistakes, our feelings, our love life, if we want to connect or even reconnect with our loved ones even if it sometimes means overcoming our pride . We should be ourselves not just adapt to the environment or people we are with, not always care for showing off our new things or best things. i think as silly as it seems a bucket list is neccessary so you have other purposes in life either than busting your ass off in a job you will get bored with , for a family which you will get bored with , the bucket list will make us feel happy , acchomplished byond our job , and most importantly it will make us feel that our live has a meaning .One last point is to try to know other people’s view and stories, I don’t mean people from your social level, I mean other people from lower social level they are the ones who can have a truthful conversation from heart to heart without them being afraid to appear outclassed. I believe we can broke the zahir, being normal, traditions, and the pace society to going to hell with.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 01:45:37 +0000

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