Today marks 100 days since the Senate passed a comprehensive - TopicsExpress


Today marks 100 days since the Senate passed a comprehensive immigration reform bill. Since then, theres been no serious action in the House. Theyve been too busy voting time after time to derail Obamacare -- now, theyve shut down the government over it. Theyre obsessed with a law that was passed years ago, instead of working on the serious problems our country faces right now, like immigration reform. Now is the time to keep the pressure on Speaker Boehner and the House to act on immigration reform -- we have to turn up the heat. OFA is asking everyone who cares about passing comprehensive immigration reform to commit to raising the volume in the days and weeks to come -- add your name right now and recommit to be a part of this fight. Today, volunteers across the country are organizing and holding press conferences to remind their representatives in Congress that its been 100 days since the Senate passed its reform bill -- 100 more days of a broken system thats hurting families and our economy. Comprehensive immigration reform would create more than 3 million jobs, reduce our deficit by $800 billion, strengthen the middle class, and provide an earned path to citizenship for our nations undocumented immigrants -- in short, reform is good for the country. We are the only ones who can make sure the House knows were not going to let them fail us. Add your name today to say youre not going anywhere in our fight for comprehensive immigration reform: my.barackobama/Recommit-to-Immigration-Reform-Now
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 13:19:12 +0000

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