Today marks 15 years of marriage to my best friend! One thing we - TopicsExpress


Today marks 15 years of marriage to my best friend! One thing we have learned for sure is it has not always been easy...BUT the other thing I have learned is because of the wonderful man I have been blessed to share my life with is I know what LOVE is!!! Its not about blissful living... Its about how two become one and push through the challenges together! My husband is the definition of ,husband,. Our journey has been challenging, when we married, our home was taken over with toxic mold, we moved a family of 6, into an apartment for over a year while renovations took place..I had been diagnosed with a brain aneurysm and had major surgery that would change our lives forever..then years of deadly headaches , back surgery and the list goes on.. But in all of this, we did not give up! Love fights and thats what we did! God knew He knew even though we are complete opposites we would work!!! My husband NEVER wavered, never thought about leaving me even when I did everything to push him away when times seemed to hard for me to bare!!! I thank The Lord for my husband Bernie Kreul because through him I have seen with my own eyes what real love is! My life is so blessed because my husband loves me and never gave up!!!! Thank you Bernie for the most amazing 15 years of going through everything ups and downs with me..once you get through the hard times together and you are out on the other side..its a big high five and then grabbing hands and getting ready to walk through the next 15 years together!!! I love you so much Mr. Kreul thank you for going the distance!!!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!! Can not wait for the next 15 years!!! The good, the challenges, and all because I know going through life with you, all things really do work out for the good, ( for those who love God- Rom 8;28) we do! And we have experienced this over and over again!!! Heres our song!!!! Love you forever and beyond!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 14:58:40 +0000

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