Today marks 365 days of goals, lots of sweat, tears, motivation, - TopicsExpress


Today marks 365 days of goals, lots of sweat, tears, motivation, HARD WORK and over 1,000 miles! I put together a little video of progress pictures I have taken over the last year, make sure your volume is up for the full effect! I dont think I have fully processed that it has been a whole year yet. It seems like just yesterday I started this journey and went to the gym for the first time. Its a real mind blowing experience getting to know this new body that Im dwelling in. I find myself just staring in the mirror at this new person, when no one is around, because she is still such a stranger to me, in a good way! My before pictures really speak loudly to me and are actually quite saddening. I really have NO clue who that person is. It still boggles my mind to see the old me. What happened over the last year? First, I stuck to small achievable goals. My most common goal was 5 more pounds. At first I did not have an ultimate goal. I focused mostly on progress. I basically cut my portions in half, gave up soda, many processed foods and fast food. I tried to stick to around 1,200 calories a day. I generally avoid high sodium/high calorie foods, (although I will allow myself the occasional excellent cheat meal or snack). When I am full, I stop eating (at least most times) I often order smaller portions or split a sandwich with my husband. When I eat a hamburger, I usually take off the bun, or take off just the top bun if my calorie intake can allow it that day. Each day I try to understand my eating strategy for that day, knowing that I can eat more early if I am not having a big dinner. Remember, this is what worked for me, it may not work for you but you just have to find what does work and stick to it! My walking morphed into walk run walk, then run walk run, and now run. I obsessively track my runs and my weight. When walking/running, I developed a plan to run a 5k. I actually spent 11 weeks working on that plan with the help of the Couch to 5k app, and then I ran my first 5k. I achieved something I never thought in a million years I would be able to do. I fell in love with running and have done multiple races since then with many more in my near future. Over the next year, I would like to lose a little bit more but have no timetable, just slowly decreasing at this point since the weight loss has slowed down a lot now that I am a lot smaller now than when I started. I am focusing a lot more on toning up that extra skin (yes, I do have some! It happens when you lose as much weight as I have! But I would take my excess skin over what I used to look like ANYDAY!!!) I love to run most days. It has greatly improved my health. No more high blood pressure, no more pre-diabetes and I no longer snore! I also have much more energy. Im struggling a little with my running now that I live in the Mile High City, it will definitely take some time to adjust to the altitude and get my breathing down, but I know I can do it! THANK YOU so much to all of you for cheering me on, supporting me and encouraging me! It has taken a YEAR of HARD work and dedication to get where I am today. There is no easy way out. If you dont go through the pain, you will never gain or achieve your goals. There were times where Ive wanted to give up...its still a temptation. But when I see myself in the mirror, or I flip through my before pictures Im constantly reminded of why I chose to live this healthier lifestyle. My success is wonderful – 170 pounds down, it takes some people a lifetime to do what I have done in a year. It has been quite the journey, 365 days of blood, sweat and tears, and not to mention pretty expensive! Lots and lots of new non-plus size clothes, but when you look at yourself in the mirror wearing them, its SO worth it! The journey never ends – but for me it will morph into a weight maintenance project fairly soon! Can you do this? YES, YOU CAN! But you must be motivated, determined and be willing to say no to temptation 9 out of 10 times! Keep progress shots, they will be your motivation to stay persistent and not to give up! One day, youll look back at it all...and pride will overwhelm you to the core! I love you all and thanks again from the bottom of my heart! Love, Chrissy
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 19:51:29 +0000

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