Today marks one year since Dalton received the gift of life. We - TopicsExpress


Today marks one year since Dalton received the gift of life. We left for Levines at 4:30am, in what would be the longest day of our lives. We dropped 3 off at the at the Webbs, and headed down to Charlotte. Checked in at 5:30am and waited. The surgical team came in many times and chatted with us and at 11 am, they wheeled Dalton back to pre-op. And just 55 minutes later, he was in the OR. Joe and I headed to the waiting room that was packed full of people waiting on their children. As the day wore on, Dillon came in, we had a few updates, and my friend Erin came down to sit with me. She knew I needed a distraction. As the waiting room cleared out, families were reunited with their children....we continued to wait. At 11 pm we got the call that they were in the process of closing him up. Everything went at planned and they even stopped to take pictures of the 12 pound tumor that was living inside my boy. Dr. Levi made his way to us and told us, it was a text book surgery, he only needed 2 units of blood and will be in recovery shortly. It was all I could do to get to him, I almost ran the doctor over. Seeing him lying on the bed with tubes and wires running everywhere, scared me. He looked so small and broken. The nurses said he had been responding to commands and that was very promising. I didnt believe them, so I leaned over, kissed his forehead and said I love you. He gave me the thumbs up. I knew he was aware of what was going on around him, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Thank you to the medical team, surgical team, transplant team, donor, all the prayers, and God for giving me my son back.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 13:50:27 +0000

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