Today marks three months until the election for School Board and I - TopicsExpress


Today marks three months until the election for School Board and I will slowly be ramping up for the election by sharing my thoughts on how great Morton 709 students, parents, teachers and administrators are and how we can continue to improve our great schools. I wanted to share something that one of our school leaders wrote because this is an accurate reflection of what our staff does day in and day out. They do this job because they love our kids and work tirelessly to teach them as individuals. In the next couple of months, you will hear a lot from other candidates that dont believe our teachers and administrators are doing what is best for our students and taxpayers. I think they are way off base and I would rather lose an election defending the great district, staff and students that we have, than win by tearing them down. Here is the quote, please share this if you agree (my substituted words are in parenthesis and I asked for permission from the author who will remain anonymous.): I start with the end in mind…the end is: what have we prepared our (students) to do to leave here and go (to their next challenge). I want them to be voracious readers, and I want them to love reading. I want them to know about our world…..both science and social studies. Be problem solvers in math—be given a problem or situation and have several different ways to attack and solve that problem. I want them to have “stick to it-ive ness”—not be easily discouraged. Intrinsic work ethic is also important—to not have to be told what to do all the time. Technology: various devices and applications. Appreciation for things of beauty in life: arts, creativity, singing, playing an instrument. More importantly: to be good people. Kind, loving, respectful, and see themselves as not center of universe—but here to serve other people, giving back, community involvement. Well said......
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 22:28:01 +0000

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