Today my dear sweet pepaw will be put to rest, and since I cant be - TopicsExpress


Today my dear sweet pepaw will be put to rest, and since I cant be there, I wanted to share some memories. I wish I was able to be there today, but instead I have written up some memories that I will always have with pepaw. Mema, I hope these stories bring some joy to your heart, and will always be something for you to read and bring you comfort, when feeling sad or missing pepaw. You both had a love for each other that was so treasured and true, yet so spiteful and comical at the same time! You saying Bill in the way you did, will always be a ring in my ear when thinking of you. From cooking you dinner, to always answering your beckoning call with his what Martha, pepaw was always your right hand man. His love for you was ever present with how well he put up with you! Just kidding. I never understood why he slept on the couch, I even said to him one day, pepaw, you must be bad a lot since Mema doesnt let you sleep with her, and he said, no if I was bad a lot Mema would make me sleep in the barn. I will never forget the thanksgiving when pepaw had made the pies the day before, and had warned all us grand kids to not get into them! That night, I remember waking up and hearing the floor creek from memas bedroom to the kitchen. That morning, the boys and I were woken up by a somewhat irritated pepaw, asking us who had gotten into the pie! We all pleaded not guilty, and as we walked into the room with mema in her chair saying ooooh one of you are in trouble, and she then said she had no idea who it was, when I then pointed out that she had chocolate on her chin and night gown!! Pepaw then laughed that contagious belly laugh we all love. That was also the same summer, becca, Jesse and I, decided to help pepaw with the barn, and found some old cans of green paint, and begun to paint the side of the barn, also getting some of the paint on the oriental neighbors dog! He found out about it, and called me at uncle Johnnys house, and pretended to have an accent, and sounded so much like her, he scared me into really believing it was her! And I was so afraid to come back to the house! From his famous peanut butter cookies, many breakfasts, and him introducing me to my love for bananas with peanut butter, he always knew how to express his love through some good ole comfort food. He would buy us whatever we wanted at the store, and Ill never forget the year he bought over 500 Popsicles, and us eating about 5-6 of them every night so we could eat them all before we left! His love for the hurricanes, and NASCAR his collection of trucker hats, and his love for crossword puzzles and sudoku is something When I see, that will always make me think of him. I will never forget when both Mema and pepaw came to visit us in Florida, and I was at my piano class, And came home to them surprising me while hiding in my closet! When I was younger, I always loved bragging about the fact that my grandpa was Santa clause, and proved it by showing he was in the newspaper. He loved being Santa Claus, and whether he felt good or not, he did not want to disappoint anyone! Ill never forget the year we had to rush him home because his blood sugar dropped, and he just kept saying I couldnt let the children down. My most favorite memory, that I will always remember was the year we all went to uncle Steves for thanksgiving. I was around 8 or 9 years old. I was in the jacuzzi with aunt Janet and Ashley, and I asked aunt janet why she always called pepaw by his name, and not dad. She told me to ask my momma. So I did, and thats when she tried to explain to me that Pepaw wasnt her blood dad, but he was her dad because he raised her. I didnt understand, so I started crying and ran to pepaw and hugged him and said you are my real grandpa, I dont care what they say!and he sat me on his lap and said I will always be your grandpa, and you will always be my Jaimie. The summers and thanksgivings, although they werent as often as I wish we could have spent time together, are times that I have always cherished, and memories that will always be my favorite and something that will always be remembered. Im thankful for the time that I did get to spend with both him and Mema, with their temporary stay in Florida, and being able to do things for them both. I had to take pepaw one day to the grocery store, and he refused my help to get into the store, and even the help from his cane. He got on one if those electrical carts, and zipped and zoomed through that store like he was in his own race! Haley and i could barely keep up with him laughing so hard, and lost him a few times. He was a determined man, and did not want anyone thinking he could not hold his own! He loved The Lord, and always told me to pray when I was sad, and that God would take care of everything else. I take comfort in that, and know that this is not goodbye, but a see ya later! Im sure he will be waiting for us all with his contagious smile and with some Reeses or some cherry cordials. I love you and will miss you, and will always cherish you and the memories I am so thankful to have. I can hear him now saying his famous I know it. And I know it too.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 14:18:01 +0000

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