Today my husband finally decided that he was ready to talk to his - TopicsExpress


Today my husband finally decided that he was ready to talk to his family after all the awful things they said to and about us. I think it was a good thing to do, for him. I know that they may not be the best people in the world, but they are his family. You should never hold a grudge against anyone, because tomorrow is definitely not promised. You may never get the chance to apologize or tell someone how much you love them. So, because they made up, they asked if they can keep the kids overnight. I was a little excited because I thought maybe this meant that I could get some sleep. But, I am regretting it now. I feel like I am going insane without my kids. I love them to pieces and even though my son is in the terrible threes (haha) and my daughter is just a terrorizer, I dont feel complete without them. I know that I need to get some rest though. We have not been sleeping at all. Not due to the kids being here, at all, just from being in so much pain and everything. I am at the point where my body is just sooooo physically exhausted that I am ready to kill over. I cannot believe how time consuming this entire thing is. I just want things to go back to the way they were. I truly believe that even with surgery and whatever else may come, things will never go back to the way they were, and that does make me sad. At this point, all i can do is pray. Pray that my husband is ok, pray that we are ok, and that this process doesnt end up being a 5 year long thing before we settle. Any who...on to a better note, my son has been being just....awful lately. He has been testing us to the max, seeing if we will do what we say when it comes to him getting in trouble. He has been telling us no, and spitting, and it is really getting under my skin. Being so stressed out definitely makes me more...edgy. I am not a patient person as is, but this makes it worse. Needless to say, he has been in time out a lot lately. I would like to find some other ways of disciplining him that might be more....effective. I do not want to spank him. I just dont. I guess its all part of being a three year old, right? They have to learn some how. My daughter is good. She still isnt walking. We did finally get her set up with the physical therapist and everything, so we will see how this goes. She is starting to try and pull up on things, and thats a plus. After the initial evaluation of her for physical therapy, they said that her gross motor skills (crawling, pulling up, cruising, walking, etc) are at that of a 7 month old. That about broke my heart. She is sooooo advanced in all other areas, and i am very proud of her. But that makes me sad. We work with her all the time. But they are thinking there may be something wrong with her leg or hip on the left side. She does NOT want to put weight on it, and cries when she has to. So we are trying to get in to see a doctor about that too. Just so much going on!!!! Oh well, all part of being a parent. And just life in general, right??? Oh well, off to relax. Or at least try. Have a good night.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 06:04:44 +0000

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