Today, my intention of writing this article is to draw attention - TopicsExpress


Today, my intention of writing this article is to draw attention towards the misuse of a particular law in India. Well, the fact is when legal privilege gets misused by any section of people then in return the family, the society, the country gets rotten. I would say at present India is facing the similar situation. A section of Indian women are exploiting the law for their own benefit which otherwise was made for the women in real distress. Education is always a boon but when it is used by an individual for a personal benefit and undue harassment for others becomes a bane. It is a call to the Indian custodians that look around the country and see that here in India, gradually the number of anguished groom’s family is increasing. A law which is allowing the Indian women to harass the husband and his biological family is literally a blot on Indian legal system. This is ridiculous that a wife files an anti dowry case and the police gets into action of arresting all the so called accused. Why is there no investigation just because the case is filed by a woman? What Indian judiciary and the government want to say that Indian wives are the epitome of truth and innocence? If that is so then, why do we find Indian women involved in various malpractices? The lawmakers need to understand one simple basic fact that gender biased laws are harming the balance of the Indian society. No society can progress without its two wheels, man and woman at par. Putting Indian husbands and their family behind the bars before impartial investigation is not a solution for the dowry cases. Many educated urban wives are using the law to extract huge money by filing fake cases. Still, the women are enjoying the privilege given by the Indian law. Thanks in advance.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 09:30:19 +0000

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