Today my life was changed and inspired. I met 8 – 10 different - TopicsExpress


Today my life was changed and inspired. I met 8 – 10 different amazing people and some with very unique stories. My day included short and long conversations with these homeless people about their lives and how they got to where they are. It was inspiring. Some worked so hard at jobs in which they felt underappreciated and as if they were only making “the rich richer” but are now happier by meeting new people on a daily basis and making anywhere from $80 to $150 a day by working on the streets. Some of them just wanted to change the perspective of being seen as someone who should “not be a bum and get a job” because in their eyes standing on their feet for 14 hours day is work. Others were just thankful for the help they receive and remained more or less speechless. At first, I wanted to make a video to inspire others to help the homeless they saw by giving them a “second chance survival kit” which included the items mentioned in the video below. Quickly I realized that whether or not the people wanted to make that change in their life or if they were comfortable in the place they are in right now was not only not my place to question but rather but my place to learn. There was no reason for me to try to prove that this kit could help them get cleaned up and start over on camera. I had a great day just seeing smiles on faces and getting asked if today was Christmas because of all of the items they received. No matter what, the gratitude was easily seen and it was clear that each individual’s day was brightened. Something I was made aware of today was not that this “second chance survival kit” helped these people start over, but rather helped them develop their lives in what they were currently comfortable living in today. If you read this until the end, I hope that you take time out of your day to help others as well. The simple “god bless” with a smile said for just a pair of new shoes and some daily necessities will be stay with you forever.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 09:31:13 +0000

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