Today my news feed is BLOWN up with officers who did something - TopicsExpress


Today my news feed is BLOWN up with officers who did something wrong or who truly dont deserve a badge....well I have this to say.....Why are we giving these guys publicity??? Why are we taking time out of our day to acknowledge someone who doesnt deserve recognition? I am the wife of Deputy Buddy Stapleton pictured here. My life is a LEO wife, and I will tell you that the good officers FAR outweigh the bad. Why dont we hear about them? Because we have become a drama based society...feeding off of the negative in this world! It stops TODAY! Today, we are going to ALL post and share the statuses of the GOOD ones! No more recognizing the ones who dont deserve it, only the ones who do! Let me tell you about these pictures. The little fella with the fishing pole and his first catch, is a little guy from our sons preschool. Every day at share time in preschool, he would say, When my daddy gets out of jail, he is going to take me fishing. I dont want to hear ANYONE slam his daddy. Thats not why we are here. He was in jail, and that is that. People make mistakes. Regardless, this little fella didnt have a daddy to take him fishing. My husband is always taking our three boys fishing. My husband said to me, I dont know when his dad will be out of jail, but ask his mom if I can take him fishing. You see THAT is who these officers are. They see a kid without a father role model and they dont hesitate to step up. So I asked the mom,who was so kind, and allowed her son to go with my husband and a couple of our boys fishing. May sound like a small thing, but at preschool graduation, this adorable little fella stood up when it was his turn to tell what he wanted to be when he grows up. He looked right at my husband and said in front of the entire room of parents and grandparents and teachers, I want to be a policeman when I grow up because Mr. Buddy is my hero. My husband loves this little guy. He came to our last police officer cookout at the lake with us. I am tired of seeing all these officers who dont deserve recognition being shared all over. Today, I want to see ALL of you not only share this wonderful story of an officer who cares, but share your own and I will share as well! It is time we stand up for the good ones!! This is just ONE story, and I have MANY more, but this one is near and dear to my heart because we love this little guy and thanks to Deputy Stapleton, he has a role model and a hero. There are so many more out there, and I want you all to share this and then share your own story of an officer who is one of the good ones who goes above and beyond. It starts today to change the perception of our men in uniform! There are good ones and even great ones! Lets hear about that today!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 16:00:41 +0000

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