Today my precious beloved grandmother would be 96. I miss her - TopicsExpress


Today my precious beloved grandmother would be 96. I miss her everyday and I have shed more tears for her this year than I ever thought possible. I was thinking about last year how the family gathered at my moms house for her birthday celebration. My cousins were there, my kids and my husband, my sister and her family and my mom. My sister made her a beautiful cake. Grandma ate a few small bites and she opened the presents we bought her. She was weak and frail and I knew that this would be her last birthday. I remember thinking when I bought her a nightgown, socks, and wash cloths at the store that these would be the last presents that I would have the priveledge of buying for her, She was an advocate for children and spoke openly and freely when she saw children mistreated. Her famous line was babies first. She was a Christian and she taught me so much about righly dividing the Word and about the Pauls teachings that the Lord gave him for the Gentiles. She grew up in an orphanage and the abuse she suffered at The Home as she called it affected her life in many ways. As my thoughts reflects on her life and her legacy I will never forget her love and the hours she devoted to me. She made doll clothes for my dolls even though she was not a seamstress. She hung clothes on the clothesline to dry and we would run through the clothes. She would tell us kids not to get her clean sheets dirty as we ran through the cool, sheets waving in the gentle breeze. Maybe those memories are why I still love the smell of laundry hung outside to dry.I remember when I was very little and we lived in Illinois and Child Evangelist came to my grandmas neighboorhood. They gathered the neighboorhood children together and we sat on a blanket spread on the ground under the shade of a large elm tree. We heard stories about the Lord. My grandma sat with us. It was that same summer when after a rain, my grandmas yard became filled with frogs. I asked grandma for a container that I could use to put frogs in that I caught in her yard, She gave me a large metal coffee can that still held the aroma of coffee. The frogs that I captured and placed in the can smelled like coffee when I released them the following day. My grandma was my love. She protected me when no one else did and she listened to me. I will never forget her or her legacy. My children and my grandchildren will hear me talk about her because I want her to live on in our memory and in our hearts. I love you grandma more than words can express. You are my love...I miss you more than words can say........It is not the same here without you.....
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 13:28:34 +0000

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