Today on Kelly& Michael they were talking about being addicted to - TopicsExpress


Today on Kelly& Michael they were talking about being addicted to your job. It made me think since I never had time to watch this. I was addicted to my job. I enjoyed waking up every day to go to a job I truly loved. On Oct. 2nd I was told by my employers that they thought I had gone against policies when doing a loan & let me go without proof, or a justice system. I felt I was found guilty without a trial. A part of me died that day. I had always gotten good evaluations? Do you know in the state of Indiana that it is a At Will state? What that means is you can be fired for absolutely NO reason! Anyone, that means you, and you, and you! I had no idea until I talked to a lawyer about this, did you? My life has been turned upside down. I feel like I am in a nightmare & not waking up! I dedicated my life to that job for 22 plus years, 30 years in banking & loved it! I am not guilty of what they say, but they believed someone who I didnt get along with, my boss, & let me go. She had gotten rid of several other employees she didnt care for in the previous months. I guess I am guilty of not trying harder to get along with her, but I do think she had a plan for awhile to get rid of me. I wasnt a yes person or a brown nose, (if you know what I mean). I was a honest, dedicated, loyal person. I just was naive to think she wouldnt mess with my livelihood ? I am divorced & on my own. I had just bought a new home, etc.... I realize it could be worse, I could have a terminal sickness, or a loved one could have, God forbid, but let me tell you it sure feels that bad. I have worked hard for everything I have, & it could be all taken from me . I hope & pray I survive this. I pray every day. My family, and a few friends , have been so good to me. I admit I have been embarrassed by this. But I feel it is time to tell my story & my side of the story. I take one day at a time. I tell you this because if any of you out there know of any jobs I would be good at, would you please let me know. I am too young to retire, & I dont want to. I have many more years I could be very productive & want too! Thanks, & May God Bless....
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 17:17:24 +0000

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