Today on VETSO: ( The Complete Man) Welcome to another spiritual - TopicsExpress


Today on VETSO: ( The Complete Man) Welcome to another spiritual series; This series, we will be talking extensively on the Tripartite Man. A lot of people believe Man is just Flesh and so when he dies he becomes a part of the Eco system, While some believe Man has a soul that lives forever in Valhalla, Others even believe Man is just flesh and spirit, But neither of these is totally true, However that which is true shall be made known unto us in this study through the help of the HolySpirit, so Ill urge you to please follow with your spirit because this is yet another tricky and a long one. God Bless you. Man is spirit, he has a soul and he lives in the body, Gen 2:7, We see this in the previous verse that After God made the body of man, man did not become a living being until he received the breath (Pneuma) of God, Job 34:13-15, this breath formed the spirit of Man, and gave life to two things which you might not notice if not Carefully studied by the sprit. the bible said Man became a living Soul (KJV) in other words the breath of God gave life to both the spirit of Man, Jhn 6:63 and the soul of man which was formed as a combination of both the spirit and the body, that is when the spirit of God touched the Body of Man the Soul was formed hence the word living soul. Now this is the Order, Spirit - Soul - Body, The spirit gives life to the soul and the soul gives life to the Body, this however is not Gods own life (Zoe) because this is only received in the New birth( will be explained in further studies) but this rather is the spiritual life and the soulish life(Psuchė) of Man. The idea of a Tripartite Man cannot be overlooked, because they are very vital to ones understanding of spiritual things and hence the awareness is created for man to grow his spirit. Paul said in I Thess 5:23 May the God of peace himself sanctify you wholly; and may your spirit and soul and body be kept sound and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Paul categorically made a clear distinction between these three, and in the exact order to show that a complete Man is not just made up of a body or a soul or even a spirit, This was why the word wholly or completely in other versions, was used in that passage. Also, Heb 4:12, shows this by separating Mans corporal part and non-corporal parts into two each, the soul and spirit, Joints and Marrow. Which is why in Gen 2:15-17, God said man would die if he ever ate the fruit, Truthfully Man died that day, but what died in Man was His Spirit, because the devil having took advantage of the unawareness of man, tricked man into thinking of the soulish life rather than the spiritual life, Gen 3:4. Death means separation, therefore Mans connection with the divine had been severed and Man was left to be governed by the affairs of the soul (Nephesh) which is the Natural man...To be continued
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 07:50:23 +0000

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