Today on the Adventures of Amy Davis and the 171 State Troopers, - TopicsExpress


Today on the Adventures of Amy Davis and the 171 State Troopers, Amy has a second run in with Trooper M.Stone....So, I was cruising down the road minding my own business and driving slower than my normal (believe it or not). I was headed to work and not even in a hurry for once. He spotted me while I was going through Moores Bridge and quickly turned around. He came up to the window and questioned me about where I was going and why I was in such a hurry. And out of nowhere, I erupted into tears, which is completely out of the norm for me I usually get mad instead and I have never used tears for getting out of a ticket. Anyway, he asked what was wrong and why I was so upset. So, I began telling him that my grandmother died last week and another grandmother fell yesterday and broke her hip and I didnt get home until midnight last night because I was at the hospital with her and now Im just trying to get to work(remember, Im sobbing this whole time.) Then, he laughs! LAUGHS! And says, Whats your mothers name? And is your grandmother having surgery this morning? I looked at him and waited to hear that he knew my mother and read about my grandmother on FB. But instead, he said, Ya, I pulled her over earlier this morning! I couldnt believe it and had to laugh. Good news is, he let me go on a warning because obviously we have a lot going on right now. I have a feeling that if he remembered me from the first time he pulled me over instead of thinking he knew me from the hospital, he wouldnt have let me off!!!!
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 15:18:34 +0000

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