Today on the prayer line His glory just manifested at a whole new - TopicsExpress


Today on the prayer line His glory just manifested at a whole new level in the spirit. God is calling you out! When we stand in total commitment and service to God He speaks, directs and leads. Listen to why He has separated you! First, whatever is not Spirit and Truth cannot remain next to you! This is why some had to leave your side, if it was not Love, Spirit and truth and there was divide God took that out of your life. Two- Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out. 7) The Lord will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before your face; they shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways. (God does not want you fighting what He alone will fight for you!) There are fights you are not to get involved with. Stay in prayer, worship and focused and God will remove from your life what is fighting against you. When a prophet of the Lord speaks, His word is established. Stop trying to resurrect what the Lord has pulled out of your life! Stop trying to go back to what makes you cold, indifferent, isolated and confused. Stop going back to what enslaves you! You are free! It is for freedom that Jesus died for you. No sickness, No addictions, No emotional destruction, No thoughts that go against His word! He set you free to be at peace!! In the last days because of lawlessness the hearts of many will become cold! Are you cold? Are you not excited about God and serving with like minded people? Look the word tells us this is the work of the lawless one. Break ranks! You must fight and run for your salvation! Bad company corrupts good habits! Who you give an ear to can get you closer to God and to His people or it can be the cause why you are now struggling with your faith. You cant see God when you hang around with darkness. God spoke loud today! I will open to you My good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land. How? When will this happen? If we stand united in His love and obidience! YET!! But it shall come to pass, if you do not obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments and His statutes which I command you today, that all these curses will come upon you and overtake you. We are overtaken when we are on the wrong side of the court! Please come back to Jesus! Break ranks with what brings divide, confusion, separation, hate, anger, tormoil, wrath. Friends God is screaming from heaven the blessings of Deuteronomy 28 but some choose to walk in disobedience, pride and walking self willed not realizing that every step away from God is a step closer to eternal damnation. Yes there is a heaven and there is also a hell! Jesus gave us life and often we blame God for what people do or do not do. Your relationship with God should be intimate and if you are in relationship with God you are not in separation with HIS people! When we walk in the light as He is in the light we have fellowship with one another. What is not walking in the light becomes your enemy of darkness. Let go of all that is pulling you away from God AND away from His people. A temporary pleasure is not worth your eternal destination of spiritual death! I love you and must speak the truth. Many speak of all the good and the blessings. That is a great part of His word. But disobedience, comes at a heavy price and some have walked that way and He is just screaming get back into right standing and close your ear gate to those causing your spiritual death because of negativity! Please come back to Him. Get connected with a pastor! Yes, I said a Pastor for it is he and only he that has been commanded in the bible to watch over the soul of another! There are pastors that pray every morning just like Jesus because they know the responsibility of watching over the soul of another even when rebellion arises. Please come back to Him. God never called you to be separated from Him. He is calling you back because your hour is almost upon you. Where will you spend eternity? If you stood before Him today, would He find you righteous? Would He find the motives of your heart pure? He sees where no man can see. Please get right with Him today. Please, I beg you to give Jesus a chance before it is to late!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 11:39:38 +0000

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