Today our baby GIRL is 17 weeks and 5 days old! Only 156 days - TopicsExpress


Today our baby GIRL is 17 weeks and 5 days old! Only 156 days to go.... Ahhhh, Friday! Time to unwind and get our lazy on!! Well, at least thats what wed normally be doing! Chels is having a weekend away with her girlfriends tomorrow night, and Im actually having one of the little girls I care for come and have a sleep over! GIRLS NIGHT! Shes 4 and her parents are taking her 2 year old sister out on her own for the day! Then next week the 2 year old is coming to stay and the 4 year old will spend some quality alone time with mummy and daddy! I think its a great idea and they are really good when it comes to sleeping away from home! We are very close, so they love it here, and dont seem to get anxious! So, while I would usually sleep in and take things easy, Ill be on nanny duty!! I have a few things planned! Ive bought her some pretty stickers as a little gift, well do some craft, Ill take her out for lunch and we can make home made pizzas together for dinner! And let me not forget FROZEN at quiet time- surely most mums out there with little ladies will understand the Frozen obsession! I sing Let it go more than anything thats currently on the radio for its permanently etched in my mind! How DO kids just watch the same movie over and over every day? The other day the 4 year old bawled when it finished! That film has little girls everywhere in a trance!! Not that Ill complain! it could be worse- It could be Peppa Pig Marathons every day!! So thats whats happening for us this weekend! Chels and I will have Sunday back together though and we REALLY need to head back out shopping to try and find some new bathers for our trip! Only 3 and a half weeks to go!! WOO HOO!! Oh we cant wait! NOrmally we head overseas at Christmas time for an end of year wind down! But this year we will be having an end of year wind UP!!! Yes, I once this little lady of ours comes I dont know when we will ever get to wind down thank the heavens for Fiji in August!! Baby Moons ROCK!!!!! Monday we have our hospital appointment which will be great! But, even greater is that we BOOKED IN OUR NEXT SCAN!!! Well, its not perfect, as I was pushing to have it at 18 weeks but we have to wait until we are 19 weeks before we can have it done- at the guidance of our GP and the ultrasound technician we spoke to! BUT, the date is set! Monday the 4th of August!! Sooooo that means its time to get another countdown started!! YEAH!!! I cannot WAIT to see my baby girl!! Those little wriggling arms and little kicking legs!! What a gift! I STILL cant quite believe all of this is real! Will I ever? I doubt it! Beaming is now my middle name! Such bliss!! Well, Ill end here for tonight as Chelsea and I are about to watch Sister Wives! Priorities, people! LOL! I doubt Ill get a chance to update tomorrow, but Ill definitely get the BABY ITEM OF THE WEEK posted up, and of course BUMP WATCH!! Our Vlog will have to be Sunday again, as its the only time well have together this weekend! Another night without my love!! Sigh! Still, Ill be far too busy to being a single mum to notice Im sure! Have a wonderful weekend everyone- we are thinking of you all and will be in touch with tomorrows little features!! Much LOVE! xx
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 10:10:51 +0000

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