Today our baby GIRL is 19weeks and 2 days old!! Only 145 days - TopicsExpress


Today our baby GIRL is 19weeks and 2 days old!! Only 145 days to go... Well, as you all saw from the picture, yesterday we saw our daughter! And I mean REALLY saw her! Yes, yesterday we had our 20 week scan and the end result was truly beyond words! Our ultrasound technician was an older male which was different, but he was lovely! To be honest though, I was feeing a little removed with this scan initially! Normally Im sitting right next to Chels, but with the way the room was set up I was kind of left to sit in a corner across the room with the technician blocking my view from Chels! So, when bubs came on screen I couldnt see my wife and we couldnt see each others reactions! And of course, with this scan being one with so much business to take care of with measurement or organs etc, there wasnt a lot of scope for us to just having a look! We naturally are in the public health system and so with this clinic having to see so many people, it really went much faster than we would have liked....Until the end! Chels and I had already discussed earlier the idea of getting some 3D shots! At the beginning of the pregnancy we werent wanting to go this route as we wanted a surprise when bubs was born, but oh how that changed with the more we fell in love with her! I in particular just wanted to see every inch of her!! So, we pretty much decided that we would ask! And ask we did! We were initially disappointed as our tech explained that he couldnt do it as he hadnt been trained in doing 3D images, but then paused and said he would go and see his colleague for us and check if she was free to come and help out two eager mums!! We waited impatiently as he slipped out of the room.....only for him to return with another tech! SCORE!! This lady was divine, and SO happy to help! She explained to us that it really was bubs dependent as to whether it would work or not, so we held our breath as she started scanning about! And then there she was! This precious little angel frozen up there on the screen looking.....well, like REAL HUMAN BEING! LOL! What happened to our poppyseed? Or our little grape? This was a proper little person staring back at us....and we were in awe!! Her little hands were up above her head and she was sleeping like an angel! The cutest little nose and prettiest little lips!! Its funny that you can all see so much of Chels in her, as all we can see is our donor! LOL! So crazy! Life is just miraculous and we have a daughter who is perfect....and so so beautiful! Blessed doesnt even begin to describe how we are feeling! And of course everything is measuring great and she looks wonderful! Ten little fingers, ten little toes!! Everything is GOOD!! The only thing that we were told may be an issue is that Chelseas placenta is laying low over her cervix (placenta praevia)! Now, as the technician said, as everything continues to grow the placenta is likely to move further upwards away from bubs exit, but we will need another scan at 32 weeks to check whats going on! There is no risk to bubs with the placenta laying so low, but it would mean that Chels would have to deliver via C-Section if its positioning doesnt shift! So, thats something to keep in the back of our mind but not obsess over! Naturally our technician isnt a doctor and wasnt meant to go into much detail about it, but Ive no doubt we will be guided by the professionals we see at our next hospital visit! So, there you have it friends!! Such a magical day yesterday! It began with me feeling disappointed at the start of the scan, to bawling with love and beaming at the end of it all! I still cant believe we saw her....REALLY saw her!! Such a miracle!! Well, I wont go on with anything else today, as yesterdays events cant be beaten! Im simply on cloud 9 and you cant wipe the smile off my face! Both of our faces!! Do we really have to wait 4 and a half months to meet her?? My impatience has only gotten worse since yesterday!! HURRY UP DECEMBER!! Have a great day friends and thank you SO Much for all your amazing comments yesterday!! We cant imagine taking this journey without all of you by our side!! xx
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 20:03:09 +0000

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