Today our group visited the national military cemetery of Israel, - TopicsExpress


Today our group visited the national military cemetery of Israel, Har (Mount) Herzl. As an American who is so disconnected from war it was an completely different perspective to see our fellow Israeli peers walk through this cemetery. Since Israel is a country where everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) enlists when they are 18, most of our peers knew friends, family, and loved ones who gave their lives for this country. It was even more emotional given the current situation. I talked to one man in my group who told me that the worst part of his day was reading the list of soldiers who died and praying to God that his friends werent on the list. Near the middle of my visit I was completely overwhelmed by a force that I have never felt before. I found myself weeping and felt the pain of those around me so forcefully that I could barely walk straight. I am so grateful to be able to have these experiences and learn so much about a country that I know so little about.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 16:00:46 +0000

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