Today our president voiced his opinion on the young black man - TopicsExpress


Today our president voiced his opinion on the young black man killed in Ferguson Mo. Do you notice he only gets involved if a black person is on the receiving end of the violence? Remember when his Professor friend in Chicago was arrested by police and our president said the police acted stupidly without him having the facts. He got involved in the Trayvon Martin case and Eric Holder made a point to help the Florida D.A. find Zimmerman guilty before all the facts were established. He didnt say a word when three black men in Oklahoma killed a white man from Austria because they were bored. He hasnt said anything about all the white Americans that are assaulted daily by young black men playing the knock out game but has Eric Holder investigate a white man in Dallas doing the same thing against a black man as a hate crime. Neither he or Eric Holder did anything about the black panther party blocking the voter locations with clubs in their hands. This is a Federal Crime but where is Eric? Now as I said at the start, his comments about the police in Ferguson using excessive force. Well why dont Barry and Eric get on the streets of Ferguson in police uniforms and let us see what they think is excessive force. When you have people looting and tearing up your town, you use what ever it takes to stop these acts. When you have people throwing fire bombs at you and hear shots fired then what is excessive force? You know Michelle said in the 2008 campaign that she has never been proud of her country until Barry started running for president. Well I have never been so ashamed of my country after five years of a man that could have did so much for our country. He is a divider, not a uniter. Rather than bringing the races together he has separated us more than we were before 1965. We have never been less respected in the world than we are right now under this president. He has did nothing in his life to qualify him to be president and his policies are very evident of that. It always makes me laugh when I hear that Barry was more qualified than Sarah Palin. She ran a state, what did he run? She balanced a state budget, what has Barry balanced. Sarah left her state with a surplus, what will Obama leave us with? Last but not least, he says we have to let these poor children from South America stay in our country, but ignores the thousands of children killed daily by Hamas and ISIS. He wraps his arms around the Muslim Brotherhood buts will not support one of our greatest allies, Israel. His administration has been involved in more criminal scandals than any other administrations. He has held no one on the left accountable for anything. He is undermining our military and making us weaker and more acceptable to attack than any other time in history. His policies have devalued the American dollar to it lowest point in history with the exception of the Great Depression. I am sick of the bull shit president and also Congress. Republicans just sit back and let him dump our country in the outhouse. Democrats only speak up when they are up for re-election, that should tell you something. The Supreme Court has stopped ruling on the Constitution when they allow Americans to be fined if they fail to buy something they do not need. Why are Seniors required to pay for maternity insurance? Why have Americans been dropped by their insurance and stripped of their right to pick and choose what is right for them? Descriptions for this government, socialism, communism, dictatorship, monarch, king, supreme ruler, fuhrer, not Constitutional Government. Are we lost, I dont think so. I believe that truth and righteousness will win out. At least I pray for that end.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 22:17:50 +0000

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