Today some members of the Dublin Cumann along with a member from - TopicsExpress


Today some members of the Dublin Cumann along with a member from the North Louth Cumann of the 32CSM held a small protest outside the Sinn Fein office in Dublin City Centre. We handed out over a hundred leaflets to highlight how Sinn Fein along with Micheal D Higgans are selling out Irish Sovereignty to the British Government and that there visit to Winsor Castle was nothing more than a normalization tactic. The 32CSM will continue to highlight and protest against the hypocrisy of these so called republicans. On leaving Windsor Casltle today Michael D Higgans Said. My only regret is that my good friend Seamus Heaney was not here Just to remind Michael D Higgans this is what Seamus Heaney thought, Dont be surprised if I demur, for, be advised My passports green. No glass of ours was ever raised to toast The Queen Beir Bua. Below is what was on the leaflet we handed out today. Irish National Sovereignty abandoned by Michael D Higgins With Michael D Higgins dining with the Commander In Chief of British Armed Forces, Elizabeth Windsor, we would like remind everybody that he is not the President of Ireland and he was not elected democratically by the sovereign Irish people. Therefore he serves merely as the President of the 26-County Free State. This high profile visit/dinner is just a publicity stunt to fool ordinary people into thinking that all issues between the two islands are resolved since the signing of the Good Friday Agreement. This is the normalisation policy that has been adopted to give people on the outside the view that everything has changed within the Occupied Six Counties when in fact not much has changed at all. We must remember where this conflict stemmed from and that is Britain’s violation of Irish sovereignty. Britain still refuses to recognise the Irish people’s right to sovereignty and self-determination and until that happens normal relations cannot evolve and Irish citizens will continue to face injustices on a daily basis as a result of partition. There are currently 5,000 armed British soldiers stationed in the Occupied Six Counties as well as a sectarian police force who continue to use draconian laws to uphold British rule in Ireland. Internment by remand is a practice still used against those who speak out in opposition to the flawed Good Friday Agreement. This is endorsed by British Minister and one-time Republican Martin McGuinness, who will also be having dinner with Elizabeth Windsor and Michael D Higgins among others. On the 30th of April 1998 members of the 32 County Sovereignty Movement petitioned the United Nations in New York to address breaches of various UN Covenants by the British Government in Ireland and requested the United Nations to uphold Ireland’s fundamental right to national sovereignty. The 32 County Sovereignty Movement will continue to campaign for Irish Sovereignty and a socialist democratic republic as set out in the Proclamation of 1916 and ratified by the 32-county Dail Eireann of 1919. 32 County Sovereignty Movement
Posted on: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 17:03:02 +0000

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