Today the Catholic Church celebrates her patron, St. Joseph. - TopicsExpress


Today the Catholic Church celebrates her patron, St. Joseph. Despite his lowly profession as a carpenter, Joseph was from a royal lineage: a descendant of King David. Despite his royal lineage, Joseph was a humble man. Stories in the New Testament tell us about his character: Caring and compassionate - When he discovered Mary was pregnant but the child was not his, he planned to divorce Mary quietly and not expose her to shame or cruelty. He left everything familiar to protect Jesus, but upon his return settled in an obscure and unfamiliar town - Nazareth - out of fear for Jesus life. Obedient to God - When an angel appeared to him in a dream and told him about the child Mary was carrying, Joseph accepted Mary as his wife and provided for her and Jesus. Joseph took Mary and Jesus to the Temple for Marys purification and Jesus circumcision and he took his family to Jerusalem every year for Passover. Saint Joseph, patron of the universal Church, watch over the Church as carefully as you watched over Jesus, help protect it and guide it as you did with your adopted son.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 14:04:41 +0000

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