Today the Sun has entered the sign of Sagittarius and is joined by - TopicsExpress


Today the Sun has entered the sign of Sagittarius and is joined by the Moon and Venus. It’s also a NEW MOON in the sign of the adventurous quest. This configuration makes me think of Bilbo Baggins, when he stands at his door, looking out at the dwarves ahead of him on their way to the Misty Mountains. The look on his face says is it all for me what it means to embark on an adventure. And then - bam! - he takes his first step and the rest is an epic adventurous story. Sagittarius, the sign of the centaur has this allure of the quest, of the adventure outside and very far from our comfort zone. My father is a Sagittarius and throughout life I have seen this gleam in his eyes whenever a new adventure beckoned. It was because of him that we moved to America (Sagittarius rules foreign countries.) Something inside of him, notwithstanding the financial realities of his choice, beckoned him to go further out, away from his homeland, bringing us in tow. Out of his huge family, he is the only one who made a life for himself in a foreign land - that is Sagittarius gumption and luck right there. Now with the New Moon in Sagittarius let’s think of this new seed that youre planting today - after you were able to let of old stuck patterns as your worked through the Balsamic Moon in Scorpio. New Moon is when the seed is under the soil. It holds within it all its potential to become whatever it can. It is not yet formed, but it stands on the threshold, yes, in this LIMINAL space, of possibility and world of form. During this time, the seed is hidden underground, and just resonating its own ‘such-ness’ of its being. Nothing is showing yet, but there’s intense energy being generated within its shell. This is the start of the epic adventure. It’s in POTENTIA. For us, the NEW MOON brings a sense of wonder, where nothing is really yet planned or premeditated. It’s about spontaneous desire and a commitment to follow it where it may lead us. It’s Bilbo standing on the threshold of his door and taking that small step that will lead him to great transformation. When we are undergoing a LIMINAL transition in our lives, the NEW MOON is linked to that moment, when you know your old worldview has crumbled and you stand ‘naked’ on the threshold of something new that beckons you. You know you can’t go back, despite all your ego’s insecurities saying you should try. This is when SPIRIT or SOUL says - NO! Forge ahead. Pick up your metaphorical backpack and go walkabout. Use this Sagittarius energy that has started today and look towards your furthest mountain peak, your ultimate goal and aim your arrows in that direction. You don’t know the geography yet. You have no map, but this NEW MOON in Sagittarius is saying that it will be possible to get to your version of the Misty Mountains - helpers and clues will meet you on the road. You’ve shed and banished what you no longer need, but you got your essentials in your bag. Today it is the day you start your adventure. Take the first step out of your comfort zone.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 18:31:15 +0000

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