Today the holy mother church celebrate the memorial of St. theresa - TopicsExpress


Today the holy mother church celebrate the memorial of St. theresa of the child Jesus. St therese was born in Alencon, France in 1873. She was the youngest child of Louis and Zelie Martin who were themselves decleared venerable by pope John Paul II in 1994. Therese was drawn to God from a very young age. At the age of 15, she received special permission from her bishop to enter the carmel of Lisieux, she lived a life of humility, simplicity and childlike trust in God. By words and example she shared this little way of spiritual childhood with the novices in her community. Therese died of Tuberculosis in Sept 30, 1879 at the age of 24. She was beatified in April 29, 1923 and in May 17, 1925 she was decleared a saint by Pope Pius xI who equally proclaimed her the principal patroness equal to st Francis Xavier of all missionaries in Dec 14, 1927. she was also declared a Doctor of the church by Pope John Paul II in Oct 19, 1997. She showed that the path of holiness is open to all. She understood that what matters in the christain life is not great deeds, bt great love and that anyone can achieve the heights of holiness by doing even the smallest things well for the love of God All is well she wrote, when one seeks only the will of Jesus. In the month prior to her death, she prayed for the grace to spend my heaven doing good on earth and promised that after her death she would send a shower of roses from heaven. Offering her sufferings for the salvation of souls. St Therese of the child Jesus... Pray fo r us!
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 11:08:36 +0000

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