Today there is no force or reason that could produce a good - TopicsExpress


Today there is no force or reason that could produce a good effect. And this is exactly what we see. Obama used up thousands of billions of dollars to stimulate the economy. Where are those billions now? Nobody can say where they went. Putin also invested a lot of money in banks and trade. Where did it go? Nobody knows. But it’s money, promissory notes after all! So where did it go? There’s something happening in the world and we don’t even know where anything goes. We don’t know what connection there is between us today; we don’t realize what it is. In the past, every person lived inside his or her own egoism, and people gathered into groups of “mafias.” The bank was one kind of mafia, trade – another kind of mafia, something else – one more mafia. We connected to each other according to our egoism and we knew how everything works. This is why every side had an attorney and we made deals with each other. This is how we worked. People defended themselves, and everyone understood that if someone broke an agreement, there is an army, the police, and so on. Today, however, this doesn’t work anymore. And we still don’t understand just how much our laws and habits don’t work. We can’t comprehend this yet. The world is changing because the law that’s now operating is the law of public property rather than private property. You must now be connected with everyone into one whole. These are the changes we have to make!
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 04:17:16 +0000

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