Today there was a marriage Of the heart and the mind In the Temple - TopicsExpress


Today there was a marriage Of the heart and the mind In the Temple of the body Etherically speaking No longer blind First to acknowledge The past of yesteryear Transformed in the depths Of the earth And the heights of the sky On high The Being of the East A transfiguring of the True In Space and in Time Take one step forward Out of the past Not long ago When we did kneel Before the Altar One day winter night ago And the East does speak Are you ready To become One Have you plumbed The depths of your souls Is Time upon you two Are you ready to know What marriage is in heaven? Yes we do. One half step forward She takes One half step back He makes And now raise their arms they do And bowing to the East As the Sun looks on from above On these two standing before them And this deep and abiding love As they slip one into the other Knowing their day has come A second in Time they take As their hearts begin to beat And their eyes do see As One A miracle has begun To the South they now turn Asking for the blessing thereof Knowing that the Warmth Must now come to Feeling in the two ‘Yes we do agree’ To transform our feelings Into something new ~ Always listening for the other No matter where on Earth we may roam Knowing that in the other Is where I find my home. ‘My blessing I give unto thee.’ Turning to the West Very awake we must be Bring out feelings into our thinking Trying them through and through To this we do agree From this day forward ‘Our blessings you do receive.’ The North is now upon them The greatest challenge of them all As the old feelings and thoughts must be transformed totally and unreservedly Into the new This Being is full of strength And a very focused will A stare that would freeze the heavens And the earth without nary a care His red eye does direct a challenge And our being stands very erect Listening for his terms The truth we must always bear Come whatever may Or separate you shall roam And we do say Yeah we accept the terms And we shall pass this test A raised eyebrow and a smirk But A blessing we do get Shaking in our boots We now turn to the East Full circle round And the Sun still rising high Oh thanks be to God We are found Not quite carefully What your first step shall be As this will tell Your future path On your way back up The Tree of Life From the depths of Hell As I sense into him And he into me Melting into oneness Our throat does receive The forces of the Sun Birthing our now beingnesss Our beingness into One Raising our arms on high We do become the Grail The Sun sits in the center Our new journey has begun Thump Thump Thump Our first step is now upon us Which way shall we go To the left we sense a door That looks surely to set us free. To the right we hear a faint call From my beloved Who indeed stands witness to it all Looking to the East As the Son is now in our midst Bowing before him We do make a vow To the right we now turn And walk into the room Of our beloved elder friend Smiling from the bed ‘Good morning dear friend!’ As his eyes do look through mine I am so happy to finally meet you They do seem to say So begins our life This new journey has begun With blessings from the Archangels As we learn how to live How to live as One dz
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 22:08:47 +0000

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