Today was a complete mixed bag of incidents. It had everything - TopicsExpress


Today was a complete mixed bag of incidents. It had everything plenty of hills both climbing and descending, a double dog attack, police intervention, five punctures, desert, helicopters, border patrol, fighter jets, reaching 4,000 feet above and one hundred feet below sea level and some crazy Canadians. After breakfast in Tecate, I started the day with the short spin up the hill to the border crossing and quickly got back into the swing of things. Id been told by the locals in San Diego that Id be climbing to Tecate but they failed to mention the rest of the 120 odd kilometres Id have to climb the majority of to get to El Centro. Not only was it about 80km of climbing it reached an final altitude of almost 4,000 feet. It was reasonably early into the days climbing when I heard the barking dogs and looked to my left and say the two massive beasts bound past a sign saying Beware of the dogs. Wouldnt have minded a bit of notice. I knew Id just finished my water bottle, a swift spray usually sends the dogs running in the opposite direction, and drawing on my experience in India I stopped and got off the bike. They didnt stop, and ripped through the open gate and it was only when they reached the road they slowed and edged closer to me still barking fiercely in my direction. I stayed in the same position until one of them seemed to decide I wasnt any fun anymore, tucking his tail between his legs he made for home while the other couldnt make up his mind. I walked about fifty metres up the hill until he was far enough away before remounting the bike. The barks died off as I made my way east towards highway 8. I stopped for lunch in Jacumbo and bumped into two nice older gentlemen from Winnipeg, Canada and despite their wives best efforts to get back on the road to San Diego they just wanted to talk to me about my trip, the countries and people I met along the way. Their significant others werent so impressed. Every fifteen minutes or so, possibly even more frequently, a border patrol vehicle travelled along the road in either direction. Barely a few miles north of the Mexican border a constant stream of SUVs ensure the integrity of the US border. In case that wasnt enough helicopters and fighter jets do regular fly bus just to make sure no illegal aliens are crossing from the south. It was after Id climbed and descended the mountain a whole two hundred metres higher than Irelands highest point at Carrantoohil or more realistically in terms of traffic, well over twice as high as either Kerrys Connor Pass or Wicklows Sally Gap. I knew I wasnt supposed to be on the highway but the alternative was a three hundred kilometre diversion north through even more hills. Despite the sign warning of the dangers and barring me from being on the road I decide to brave it. After a number of police and sheriffs department cars passed me with no comment or contact I presume it was acceptable locally. I was to find out that wasnt the case. A police car chased by me after another vehicle for a traffic offence and I saw him get his man in the valley below me. When he failed to leave his spot after his mark had pulled out I suspect I was gonna get my dressing down. I wasnt disappointed. It was only about four or five kilometres from the exit I intended to take back to smaller roads. I explained I wasnt local and he guessed that I was Australian. Not for the first time this week Ive gotten that to be fair. Ive either tanned considerably or my accent has changed somewhat in recent months. He warned me I wasnt allowed on the road and I would have to leave at the next exit. I proceeded to have five rear punctures before eventually running out of tubes and having to call a taxi to bring me the final ten kilometres to El Centro. Tomorrow Ill be heading back to Seeley to restart and hope to make the Arizona state border and the town of Yuma where Im couch surfing tomorrow evening. Ill be hitting Phoenix during super bowl week, although I wont be around for the actual game over the following weekend. Theres also a few Irish golfers in town for the Phoenix Open too. It promises to be a busy week.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 09:40:19 +0000

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