Today was a good day. I was at my brother John’s family in - TopicsExpress


Today was a good day. I was at my brother John’s family in Georgia most of last week and had a wonderful time with them. They live in a kind of hilly, tree-filled area, and my daily walks were delightful. But I am glad to be home in familiar settings to catch up on my wildlife friends. Out early this morning into a gray dawn that was so very nice and cool, especially for a July morning! The birdsong was particularly noticeable this morning, but seemed to diminish as the sun rose and the sky brightened. As I rounded the first corner, a heron overhead steadily made its way toward the lake. Shortly after that, an egret flew in the opposite direction. Funny how they each seemed to want to be where the other had already been. At the big gazebo, the lake was still with no sign of any birds. I met my friend Jewel at the corner, and we chatted for what must have been half an hour! We were able to minister to each other by sharing our concerns and joys. Oh, that I could always realize that the people we meet are not there by accident or coincidence, but that there is something we can give to and/or receive from them. While we talked, I was able to see the shore of the lake across from the gazebo. A large heron appeared, and I observed it for quite a while as it casually made its way down the bank. Parting from Jewel, I continued on around to the little gazebo. As I strode down the gravel path, I was startled into stillness by the sight of the heron not 30 feet away on the bank of the lake. It must have heard the crunch of my footsteps on the gravel or the sharp intake of my breath, for it soon rose and flew leisurely down the lake out of sight. I’ll never get over the wonder of how this great bird takes flight so easily. The articulation of its wing and leg joints is simply beautiful. On the way back home, I saw the heron once more, standing on a half-submerged log on the bank of the railed inlet. It turned and made its way down the log. Then it pulled its neck into its shoulders and drew in its bill, getting ready to strike the water for something tasty. I walked on so as not to disturb it and hoped it got its breakfast. At the last inlet before the last corner, I encountered the Goose family feeding on the lawn by the lake. The goslings are so very big that I could not immediately tell Mama Goose from her babies! Papa still towers over them all, and the goslings have just a bit of downy feathers left on their necks. But it won’t be long before they are independent. As I passed by, several of the goslings stared at me and began following me down the sidewalk. Papa Goose batted his wings and hissed a bit, but it was directed at them, not me. I walked a few steps and looked back to see them still following. I laughed out loud at the sight that must have presented. And I said, “No, no, no. Go back. Don’t come this way!” They must have gotten the message because they soon turned off to begin feeding on the grass again. The hard part about today is that I learned that my recent stress test was positive, that I may have a blockage at the front of my heart, and that I am scheduled for a heart catheterization. I had a horrible experience with the cardiologist, the least compassionate physician I’ve ever dealt with, which left me feeling worse upon leaving the office than I had going in. I am not at the point at which I can immediately trust God to take care of whatever I encounter, but at the end of the day I am again choosing to trust that God will accomplish His purposes through the circumstances He allows in my life. And the words of Joshua 1:9 come to mind, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” As we go into a Happy New Day in the early part of this Happy New Month, let’s remember what God has promised.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 04:55:29 +0000

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