Today was a good day. I was late with my walk today, out about - TopicsExpress


Today was a good day. I was late with my walk today, out about 6:45. The sun was fully up and bright in a blue sky to the east. As I turned out of my driveway, though, I headed toward a sky gray with heavy clouds. An interesting contrast, feeling the warmth of the sun on my back and catching its brilliance with my peripheral vision but heading into a cool darkness. In my memory, I heard my mom’s voice quoting one of her favorite verses of poetry: “Love is sunshine, hate is shadow, life is checkered shade and sunshine.” I had to look it up when I got home, and I discovered it is from the Song of Hiawatha by Longfellow. I never really understood it when I was younger, but with age comes wisdom. The next line adjures: “Rule with love, O Hiawatha!” A good adjuration for us all to bear in mind. Beauty was evident in small things today: the splash of a turtle leaving a log; Bitty Bunny quickly disappearing into the undergrowth at the end of the first inlet; beautiful red-orange blossoms on the trumpet vine again; an egret poised on the bank of the lake by the big gazebo, beautifully framed by clumps of long grasses, and then leisurely making its way over the rooftops away from the lake; Baby Bunny on its favorite lawn, moving cautiously toward a protective hedge as I approached but remaining on the lawn to feed; a heron passing overhead, its powerful wing strokes propelling it swiftly away; and three separate sightings of small green herons, their bright orange legs making them stand out against the darkness of the water and woods. And again I am so thankful for all my senses and faculties. God has been so gracious in His preservation and restoration. To round out the day, I found homes for two vanilla pound cakes that did not need to remain with me after baking. I had an ultrasound of my neck to see what’s going on with my multinodular thyroid. My dear friend Ruth stopped by for a lovely visit. And my Atlanta family has come to visit for a couple of days while I have my heart catheterization done tomorrow. As we go into a Happy New Day, spend some time counting your blessings and thanking God for them. And if you would, please remember me to Him as I go through this heart cath procedure. I may have to have a stent implanted, and I’m not crazy about the idea of spending the night in the hospital. Thanks, my friends!
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 05:18:21 +0000

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