Today was a good day. We were out at 5 again for a nice walk. - TopicsExpress


Today was a good day. We were out at 5 again for a nice walk. The morning was so chilly I zipped up a jacket and wished that Id thought about gloves as well! Bright stars and moon peeking through the clouds kept us company as we went along. At the gazebo, the heron was perched on the deck rail, hunched up against the cold in its big feather overcoat. The sound of leaves crunching underfoot as Kuai Le scuffed along through the grass let me know that fall had truly arrived. The sun had just started to lighten the sky by the time we returned home. Such a lovely, invigorating start to the day! After work I stopped at Mariahs house to pick up Kuai Le. Mariah lets her stay with the two big dogs during the day so she wont be lonely and anxious. The neighborhood kids were playing on the front lawn and greeted me so enthusiastically with smiles and waves and hugs when I got out. They are such a joy! I got to visit just a bit with Mariah, and then Kuai Le and I drove the three driveway lengths home where the kids waited to greet us all over again. The Rodriguez boys picked up my mail and brought up my trash container, and then all the kids loved on Kuai Le while I got the Hersheys Hugs and Kisses that have become the afternoon treat recently. I love being around these kids because they are so full of life and energy and noise and fun. We didnt get to the Bark Park today, so Kuai Le and I took a nice long walk into the twilight. It was interesting to be walking as the night fell just as the day had dawned only in reverse. The moon and stars began to appear, gradually growing brighter as the sky shrugged into its soft blue velvet cloak. I got to see the heron again, this time as we returned past the railed inlet. It was on the edge of the shore, standing tall and straight, and then it gently spread its wings slightly and hopped gracefully up onto the half-submerged log to peer intently at the water on the other side of it. On the lawn just past the shore, I caught site of Bitty Bunny hopping across a light patch of sand, almost indiscernible in the dark. Im glad Kuai Le didnt catch sight of it and chase it away. The beauty of the heavens inevitably turn my thoughts to their Creator. The words of Isaiah 40:25-26 are apt to my meditations: 25 “To whom will you compare me? Or who is my equal?” says the Holy One. 26 Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing. As we go into a Happy New Day, consider the Holy One, our Creator. If He cares enough about inanimate stars to name them and sustain them, how much more must He care for each of us! Rest secure in the sure knowledge that you are loved deeply and immeasurably by the very God of the universe, and honor Him accordingly with your living.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 03:34:19 +0000

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