Today was a really nice day... Great friend down from Richmond.. - TopicsExpress


Today was a really nice day... Great friend down from Richmond.. Beautiful weather here at the Beach.. Tonight we decided to have a movie night.... Two movies I heard were great but hadnt watched either... and, without telling you anything specific about them in case you havent seen them, I do feel the strong urge to say something about both of them... and I dont usually do that. First, we watched Gravity. Sandra Bullock and George Clooney. Absolutely amazing special effects. I grew up with television... My Dad started working for WSJS in the early 50s. The effects that could be done then... even in the 60s... well, those in this movie are just awesome. No other way to describe them. AND... I have to say this about Sandra Bullock (one of my favorites... especially since she went to ECU for a bit)... but she has the most amazing... incredible legs and ... ask me no more questions... Ill tell you no more lies.... LOL. Wow... that was pretty riveting also. Now, the second movie.... 12 years a slave.... I cant even begin to describe the feelings that I had watching this movie. Intense shame perhaps... as a human being.. The movie is very well done... very hard to watch at times.. Its just that I cant even begin to wrap my head around the ideas. And the fact that human beings actually thought that this was okay... and the sad truth is that there is still so much of this type treatment throughout our world today. It makes me very very sad... and very angry... that we can treat each other in these ways... in the name of one race against another... one religion against another... one belief against another. It also made me frustrated for our own education system... finding out at the end of the movie that this book was written in the late 1800s... and yet I never heard of it. It should have been required reading.... everywhere.... I posted something I found on another page the other day that said something like I really want to inspire someone... And I commented that wouldnt it be a totally different world if everyone thought that way. I dont understand why that is so difficult. My words dont do either of these films justice .... I know that... either for Sandra Bullocks legs and other parts... OR... the strong emotions wrapped up in 12 years a slave. I want our society... our world to move to a better place. There is no reason... none... that life has to be like that for anyone... anywhere... for any reason.... and yet it is.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 04:14:13 +0000

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