Today was a tad difficult day... perhaps some would assume Ive - TopicsExpress


Today was a tad difficult day... perhaps some would assume Ive over-reacted to the satanic Christmas display at Floridas state capital but I think not... I realize this page is an assortment of people with different beliefs, however, this post is addressed ONLY to Christians - no one else. And, yes, ALL Christians - black, white, aisen, green, orange, blue, blah, blah.... and maybe .... any blue/green Christians out there? Skimming through random threads last week regarding the Ferguson incident, I really felt sick. Never have I seen such hate and never have I seen such sanctimonious bullshit between human beings and yes, I am certainly including Christians. You cant quote scripture and then call someone a name... lol... kinda doesnt work like that and besides, when someone is hurting, does scripture really help? You think Jesus would quote the bible or pick you up and hug you while wiping your tears... somehow, I think the latter.... but that lies in personal belief... The discovery of Floridas state capital including a satanic display next to other religious displays on capital grounds disturbed me tremendously. It is not my right to force others to believe as I do - and I dont - however, I am getting damn sick and tired of the atheists and satanists barging in on the Christian beliefs to make a statement - As someone whos very familiar with advertising I give the unbelievers this advice: you got Halloween and if thats not good enough create a friggen holiday, contact Hallmark and create your own special holiday cards and leave us the hell alone -- Black Masses? find your own buildings and leave our Churches, Schools and Synagogues alone - Get creative - but just let us be us while you live out your own lives.... but it doesnt work that way does it because agitation must always be part of the game.... Do the Christians realize what is REALLY happening to our country? or are we so busy pulling the sins out of other people that we are failing to see that it is us who need to change interiourly before anything happens.... All Christians should be outraged with the increase of satanic worship but most remain in the upper room and do nothing.... weve an assortment of Churches but remain just as segregated as what is being pressed with racism... so who is YOUR God? I think many of us will be blown away once we meet Him... probably nothing of what we think because weve been too busy getting in His way not allowing Him to do His thing... Man always knows best doesnt he... mmmmm.... So weve the frigging democrats and republican nonsense which is really the same thing but not all have yet realized that however.... todays democrat is a tad different than the democrat of 50+ years ago... todays democrat literally is in contrast to the beliefs of a Christian but we wont go there will we... and lets bring up my fellow Roman Catholic brother and sisters who voted democrat while knowing all along there was a trade-off.... and Im not speaking of Obama... do a little soul searching and youll understand if you are open to understanding... My heart mourns now because our country is going to hell quicker then one can blink an eye and if united we could see miracles but methinks theres more ego involved then God... How many different facebook God groups are there? How many churches? How many Gods? One God - One Way yet much ego -- which is why the other sides winning yet weve got all the tools to win this we call evil... but is it too much work? is it really dying to ones self - heck, too hard? Yeah... Im angry because I see no solidarity... I only see segregation and yet a rapid decline or morals... so let me ask you? Am I supposed to shut my eyes with the satanic display next to the nativity? mmm.... Heck, Im part marketer so call this bad press but I am so disgusted with the upper room attitude I see with many Christians while still tolerating what is intolerable... Keeping peace is not always possible... Standing up for God takes courage - whats the path for our future? As for me, Im still looking for the Joan of Arc...
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 03:36:47 +0000

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