Today was a unique one. Gary Sinise and the Lt. Dan Band were in - TopicsExpress


Today was a unique one. Gary Sinise and the Lt. Dan Band were in town today for a concert at SAMMC. Chef Robert Irvine came along, as well, to help provide food during the concert. Before the concert, the Director of the CFI challenged Robert Irvine to try cooking one-handed with some CFI patients with severe hand injuries. I was asked to be one of the patients, along with 2 other wounded warriors. The prosthetists gave Chef Irvine a body-powered harness with a hook that fit over his fist, so he could get the experience of cooking with the prosthetic. He brainstormed with me a bit on how to improve/design cooking utensils for use with prosthetic hands, then the 4 of us set to cooking. It was a lot fun, and the whole thing was taped. I have no idea if or when any of it will be aired, but if I find out, Ill post a link. Then, in the afternoon, Jennie and I were interviewed by ESPN. ESPN is broadcasting from the CFI sometime around Veterans Day, and during that will be airing a short piece about the Gary Sinise Foundation. Since Gary Sinise visited me shortly after I got to San Antonio and has been following my progress, SAMMC Public Affairs asked us to do the interview. Jennie had to run to school to pick up our oldest, so she didnt get to visit with Gary, but I was able to talk to him after ESPN interviewed him. They actually brought me out on camera to surprise Gary. It was pretty cool. Gary recognized me right away, and without prompting, told the story of how I looked when he first saw me. Its amazing how much of my story he remembers. Hes a great guy! Ill be sure to let you all know when that gets aired, as well. After all that, we had a good dinner and enjoyed a great concert by the Lt. Dan Band. Oh, and I did manage to squeeze in a short workout today. I finally worked my way up to 3 miles on the elliptical in just under 23 minutes. Im pretty stoked about that. We hope you all enjoy your weekend!
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 03:12:30 +0000

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