Today was an emotional roller coaster. They warn you that hair - TopicsExpress


Today was an emotional roller coaster. They warn you that hair loss is inevitable while going through chemo. And they told me that I would notice it before everyone else but I can honestly say I didnt expect to pull a lovely handful out this morning when I brushed my hair. Im sure if I hadnt of said anything then no one would have noticed but I took that dreadful step of getting it cut shorter to make the transition that little bit easier for myself, my kids and those around me. Its been years since I rocked the pixie look but Im super proud of myself for having the courage to do it in 1 chop. I think the hardest moment of that haircut was when the hairdresser asked why I was going for such a dramatic change and the look of devastation on her face when I dropped the C-bomb. I asked Jayden this morning if it was ok if Mummy cut her hair and I showed him a picture of when he was 2 and I had really short hair. He said yeah mum thats totally cool, whatever rocks your world (6 year olds, you have to wonder where they pick this stuff up). And I had a giggle when I walked out this afternoon and he laughed and said you look like a boy! Your hair is as short as mine! I also had a wig fitting and tried on a few wraps/bandanas/scarves just to see what was available. Thank you to the 2 amazing women who came with me today to give me some real opinions. I am very happy with my choice. I felt comfortable and in all honesty, you cant even tell its a wig. Once the kids are in bed I will post some selfies!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 08:08:54 +0000

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