Today was another rainy day on the homestead. Always lots to do - TopicsExpress


Today was another rainy day on the homestead. Always lots to do but decided that a door on the outhouse is going to have to be a priority. Yes folks were going to be discussing outhouse etiquette. Most of you know my critters are free ranging which means they pretty much have run of the place. They for the most part are well behaved and with a shoo or a clap of the hands will get that they are invading your space-except today. Now the day had been quite rainy and all the little piggies and goats had been staying in their beds and out of the rain. As I made my trip to the outhouse one little piggy must of heard me and came a calling. Now one pig in the outhouse is not a big deal but then as she and I are conversing (yes I talk to pigs-dont you?) little Bella my doeling who thinks she is a princess or maybe she thinks shes a puppy as I do get confused decides to come visit. Alright so a pig at my feet and a goat at my side no complaints its cozy and dry but then all the little piggies decide they want equal time at the belly scratching. So here I am with a job to do that is not getting done rubbing 4 little piggies bellies and a goat nudging her head under my arm for equal attention. Well I had had enough and was attempting to extricate said piggies when the rest of the herd of goats hears the commotion. Now I discovered that the saying nosey old goat does not necessarily refer to old goats as young goats also can be nosey. Here they come and as fast as I ran a pig out a goat took its place. Realizing I was fighting a losing battle I decided to see if said goats and piggies would settle down so I could get the job done and return to the indoors free of livestock. Let me ask you, have you ever seen how much fun cats have with toilet paper? Now visualize a soccer match played between 8 goats versus 4 pigs with a roll of toilet paper as the ball in a 4 foot square area. I saw for myself pigs fly. It looks quite funny with a mane of flowing white toilet paper hair as it sails through the air trying to capture the roll from the opposing goats. Was glad when the rain let up, they grew tired of the close quarters and returned to being roaming critters. Dear hubby was not privy to the privy soccer match and would have found zero humor in it I am sure do I hurriedly cleaned up the white paper streamers and discarded the evidence. He was coming out the door and inquiring as to what was all the commotion earlier and as innocently as I could look I replied what commotion I would of pulled it off too had Miss bubbles the lead goat didnt decide that exact moment to show off her white streamers hanging from her horns. Was a good laugh-even dear hubby found my critter escapades amusing but upon returning indoors I added outhouse door to the top of the honey do list. :)
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 07:38:25 +0000

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