Today was challenging. Long status for anyone who cares to read - TopicsExpress


Today was challenging. Long status for anyone who cares to read it. Up early for contractors. Construction to fix flood damage is underway. Yeah me. Race to bootcamp. Come home - a gf from out of town stayed over - went to read something and cannot find my glasses. We search. Nothin - am blind - Ack. Expensive glasses - not happy. Find spare ugly ones - better then being blind. ! Pretty well spent 3 hrs searching for glasses - ripped house apart . Called park where I do bootcamp. Drive back there. Search. Rip truck apart 3x - garage - u name it - I ripped it apart - laundry - clothes I put away etc - Nothing. So mad. Then work got crazy. Finally shower and go to flooring place - Got floor picked out minutes before they close and flooring is in stock and thus they can install this week. Yeah. Race to grocery store. Get what I need. Watching clock as I have to go home and get guitar - pick up kid - feed kid and get to guitar for 6 - at cash to pay for groceries at 5:15 - so cutting it close. I open trunk - put keys down inside trunk - load groceries - push button. It closes - Fml - keys now locked inside truck. Debated smashing window - Porsche window expensive - so decide to save $ to pay for new glasses instead and call Steve for rescue - wait 30 Mins - Kid almost late for guitar. Got food while I waited. Steve drove him to guitar and he ate while Steve drove. Race home to put food away and now liquid ice cream. Pickup kid and Off to bootcamp for 2nd time to get frustration out ! Get home - look for glasses some more. Water garden. Do chores. Tell Kids - $100 to finder of glasses. Search another hour - so mad ! Go in office and almost go outside - look down at my business files - glasses ! Stuck in file folder. How they got there ? no clue. Yeah. Good end to brutal day. Lets see what tomorrow brings !
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 05:42:03 +0000

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