Today was my first day without pain killers. More discomfort than - TopicsExpress


Today was my first day without pain killers. More discomfort than anything but I really have NOTHING to complain about because I am cancer free. Late June I noticed a lump beside my throat. July 9th I had an ultrasound and From there they wanted to further investigate. On July 14th I had a lovely biopsy done and that Friday, July 18 th I was told I had thyroid cancer. Shock turned into depression and disbelief and Im telling you what they say about the stages of emotions is real! The following Monday, July 21st I had my first appointment with the specialist, dr. Anderson. He told me exactly what i needed to hear!! I wasnt going to die from This and that I would die from some sort of old lady disease instead. I took comfort in his words but somehow the doubt of would they get it all? Was still there. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful support system. My parents have been fabulous but above all, my husband Tim has been my rock. I think I may have ended up in the loonie bin had it not been for him. I still have my follow up appt with the doc next Friday so I will keep you updated. To everyone who has left a message to wish us well, THANK YOU. The love has been pouring in and I am so grateful to feel so much love by so many. Sure has been keeping me positive throughout the healing process. To Aunty Clare McLellan, Mike McLellan and family, thank you so very much for the lovely flowers. To Donna Servant, your visit and generous gift is so appreciated. And to the THSS staff, thank you for the lovely fruit basket. We are truly blessed.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 02:46:04 +0000

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