Today was not one of the better days.... Banshee woke as usual, - TopicsExpress


Today was not one of the better days.... Banshee woke as usual, enthusiastic about breakfast. He ate, went outside and things seemed okay. He cried a lot last night but slept. Off to the vets at 9:20 - Banshee couldnt get into the car. I had to lift him up - he didnt help as he usually does so we got stuck in the gap between the door and the seats. I had to push him so he would lift a leg which he did ever so slowly. He got on the seat and laid down. When we got to the vets, he started to get up to turn around, stumbled, and almost slid into the well between the seat he was on and the drivers seat. He righted himself and lay back down and wouldnt budge. I couldnt get him out. I had to call for help and one of the techs came and lifted him out. He walked ever so slowly into the clinic and never barked or wagged his tail. He went straight back to have his leg cleaned and wrapped. When the tech brought him out, she told me the wound is the same size it was 4 days ago which is not good. They are looking for it to get smaller, not stay the same. She said there was discharge and it smelled and the sugar was all gone (with a healing leg, more sugar left behind is a good sign). As I checked out, Banshee lay by the door - he didnt even follow me over to the desk despite the fact I had a treat in hand. No barks. No wags. We got home and I had a time getting him out of the car. Once out, he lay down beside the car and it took a lot to cajole him into coming inside. Once inside, he started crying again. So I gave him a pain pill (Gabapentin) and still he cried. I called his doctor and asked if I could give him yet another pill. Yes...I gave him Rimadyl so hed maxed out on his pain meds by noon. And still he cried. I had to leave for a couple of hours and when I returned, he couldnt get up. He tried. I could see him straining to pull himself up but he couldnt do it. I tied a sweater under his belly and hoisted him up. Once standing, I helped him walk out back. Once outside, I removed the sweater and he was able to walk albeit a bit wobbly. He wanted to lay down, but I didnt let him. I got on the kitchen floor with him and lay there for a couple of hours. He was crying and panting. My daughter joined us and so did Mango and Cali. Banshee finally settled down. There we lay on the dirty kitchen I spoke with his doctor awhile ago and he suggested stopping the Gabapetin. He said it can have side effects and maybe it is making Banshee weaker. His pain has increased over the last few days and he has gotten weaker too. It would be nice to know if it is his leg or the cancer. I like answers but no definitive answer is forthcoming. Banshee ate his dinner and was fairly enthusiastic about it. Because his cone was off, he lay down to eat. He could get up himself and walked outside. Now he is laying beside me calmly snoozing. I just gave him 3 tramadol a bit ago. I think he is probably exhausted. If he is still struggling tomorrow morning, I may take him to the vets so they can observe him. We are hoping by stopping the Gabapentin, he will have increased energy. Time will tell. Its really hard watching him be in pain and not being about to help him. Its frustrating not knowing the source of his pain. I did ask about the cold laser treatment - the the tech said one of the doctors mentioned it last week. Ill talk with the doctor about it. She did say laser treatment cant be used with some cancers but the cancer isnt specifically in his leg. I guess with a chemo leak, one has to be careful about which medicines and treatments to use. Some might cause negative reactions. I know Banshees doctor is in consultation with an oncologist and is going by his recommendations. Thank you all for your kind messages and words of hope, sympathy, and advice. Im hoping Banshee will sleep soundly through the night (he doesnt want a repeat of last night when he and I were in the living room and he wouldnt stop crying.... so I sang him lullabies ... He did finally fall asleep... maybe so he could tune out my singing? LOL ) Heres to a better tomorrow!!
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 02:22:58 +0000

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