Today was not the day to read this ... I replied to this oped with - TopicsExpress


Today was not the day to read this ... I replied to this oped with the following email. I would be delighted if you would please tell this ignoramus that ALL dogs were bred for some specific purpose that WE as humans instilled in them … Judging a dog by their breed is about as useful as judging a person by the color of their skin. If I were to judge HIM by this piece of bullshit that he is calling an Oped I would assume that he has been living under a rock without adequate access to sunlight and vitamins, not to mention encyclopedia’s and the internet. Unfortunately for the pit bull breed they have been the target of scorn, injustice and over breeding to be status symbols and money makers. Maybe when people can get back to owning a dog because they want a companion we can stop all of this nonsense about “inherently dangerous”. Just like children dogs look to us to determine how they interact socially with people and other dogs. If you beat your child enough, it will begin to beat back. If you mistreat your dog enough, they will fight back because unlike humans they only know wrong and right, there is no grey area in a dogs mind. I would encourage him to read The Lost Dogs, I would plead for him to TRY to see some point of light in that story, it is not all happy, it has death and pain and cruelty, but it also has hope. These dogs have flourished under the care of their new owners highlight one of the most amazing facets of a pit bulls personality – their ability to forgive. After years of living with loving and caring owners these dogs have become ambassadors for not only the pit bull breed but for all of the dog world, showing that loyalty, love and trust can never be stamped out. Stop spreading untruths about dogs that WE has humans have neglected and done a disservice to. Sincerely a passionate put bull advocate, and animal rescue volunteer. Wendy Baker
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 19:48:03 +0000

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