Today was one of the nicest days I have ever had teaching. Today - TopicsExpress


Today was one of the nicest days I have ever had teaching. Today we had fun. Today I laughed so hard, genuinely from my inner soul. It started with my kids having a ball while participating in our fitness activity. They laughed, teased, encouraged and had a great time. After fitness they went to LOTE. While most of my students were at LOTE I had a meeting with the Year 8 coordinator, from our local high school. I had six non-LOTE participants in my class – I gave them three 20 minute independent tasks to do while I sat down to discuss the students heading off to high school. Half way through one of my Year Six kids apologised for interrupting, but he had a question….he had completed the Year Nine Math task he was working on …but he wanted to discuss where he may have gone wrong as he wasn’t sure if he had correctly multiplied the negative integer. (Teacher feeling proud -considering I am teaching a 6/7 composite). While chatting with the coordinator, I asked him if there was anything I could do further, to ensure my kids are in the right spot for a smooth transition, going on how last year’s kids went. He said, “Nothing! We can tell the kids from WoodLinks, they all have a passion to achieve and have taken ownership of their learning. Every child we interviewed from WoodLinks smiled when they shared their year in your class. Every parent praised you too.” He then told me stories of how great some of my past children are and how they are productive citizens at their high school. (Teacher feeling proud). We then headed in to class from recess to do a Math task. Two of our “Footy Jocks”) who are wonderful characters, were closely working together, heads down, concentrating…………… when they finished the problem at hand, they both lifted their heads and looked at each others……..lifting and turning their heads at the same time….in doing so their lips touched…………! Their reaction was hilarious …they both pushed their chairs back…jumped in the air screaming “NOOOOO, NOOOO!” “He kissed me!” I swear I laughed so hard. I do not recall being entertained like that for some time. They are so comfortable in their own skin, that they laughed uncontrollably with tears in their eyes, then sat down and finished their task. We then rehearsed our concert item. The kids were singing beautifully, then said “Footy Jock” said …..”Do you mind if I harmonise?” I told him to go for it. He grabbed another girl and another boy….they stood together and sang from the heart (as the islanders can do). I had goose bumps and I was so very proud, but grateful I was able to witness that. John Lennon’s Image is magical alone, but to see what I saw….Teacher feeling proud. Then it was time for Drama. We played a TheatreSports game where the students mime a scene to a song. They are to become the band and singers etc. I have video footage of our “Footy Jock” dancing and miming to Justin Beiber’s “Baby”. Again he went in whole-heartedly and performed like it was his own. When he finished I asked him to Never Change! I then came home this evening to receive a phone call from one of my students (Math boy above). His father had kept my number when I phoned them recently. Male student phoned me to tell me that I had totally sucked him and his brother in when I said to the class that I had been told I was teaching Prep next year, and I had no idea who was going to take Year 7s next year. He said I was the topic around the dinner table and they were all flat….mother, father, son in Yr 7 and son in Yr 6. Mother then opened the school newsletter to read that I was to be on Year 7 next year. Their father told the kids to call me to tell me that I had them conned, then their father spoke to me to tell me that he feels blessed that I have his youngest son for another year, and thanked me for being wonderful teacher who has impacted on his boys like no other. His child who has severe dyslexia stood in from of the upper school and delivered his speech from memory - every single word - He said that that was one of his proudest moments as a father. (Teacher feeling proud). Then I received a text from my boss to say “I know you hate public speaking, but will you give a speech at graduation – feel free to say no!” I responded with, “I feel I owe it to my kids to do so!” That my friends was my day. Teaching can be the most amazing profession…sometimes we need to look at the impact we have, that cannot be measured on paper or with a percentage symbol, and an impact that is not recorded by NAPLAN alone.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 10:32:49 +0000

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