Today was possibly the scariest day of my life thus far. Emma, - TopicsExpress


Today was possibly the scariest day of my life thus far. Emma, Wyatt, and I went grocery shopping, I walked into the living room from the kitchen to grab more groceries and walked back into the kitchen. I heard Emma yelling mommy like always but couldnt see her. I took a quick glance around the room and realized the cupboard door was open a bit. I walked over and went to open it and found it stuck with Emma inside. I tried to stay calm and open the door, but it was stuck on the cupboard hands next to it. I couldnt get it to budge nor could I get the hinges off to get Emma out. Panicked I called my mom, crying and yelling. Explaining what happened. Emma was so scared and crying. She couldnt calm down. I made sure she had a drink and called my sister in law to come help. She couldnt get the door open either. I called my mom again and she told me her and dad were on their way to get the door off. Somewhere in this mess I called Nate crying asking where he was to have him help as well. He and Jared werent too far away so my parents stayed home. Within a few seconds of Nate and Jared getting here they got the door off. Liz kept Emma calm and gave her a brownie. She also tried everything to get the door off. Im glad we didnt have to call the fire department and Im so very thankful for my family and beyond thankful my baby girl is alright
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 05:56:59 +0000

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