Today was the last desert race of the year and a good chance for - TopicsExpress


Today was the last desert race of the year and a good chance for me to see where I stand against some of the other top pros going into 2015. I was glad that the likes of Nick Burson, David Kamo, Max Eddy, and Justin Morrow showed up. I was feeling really confident in my bike set up this time around and knew it would be a good day. I got to the bomb a little late and found out that the start had been changed to a 3 row start and it made it hard to find a line. I ended up lining up no where near where I had practiced but I did know the dangers of the bomb. I got a one kick start and got off the line great, about 150 yards in I brushed a bush and got a branch lodged between my brake pedal and clutch cover, I tried kicking it out but it didnt work so I looked down and realized how big it actually was. I had to slow down a little and rip it out losing time and getting passed. After that I just tried to find some clean air and pass everyone I could. I was told I was around 15th at the end of the bomb and I started making passes quickly. It funneled down to some tighter trails and I had to play follow the leader but made passes when it opened up. Soon I had some clean air and was able to see out in front of me a few riders, I caught Max Eddy and trailed him for a few miles until I was able to make a pass. Once again some more clean air and I saw two riders out in front. I charged and was able to watch their dust to make the course shorter and catch them fairly quick. Just as I was in their dust I saw Nick Burson sitting on the course taking his helmet off, I was bummed because he was the guy to beat and I really wanted to gauge myself off him. I was soon dicing with the leaders, I was trying to pass Justin as he was trying to pass David but we only lost time because the main trail was much smoother and faster. It was cat and mouse for miles until Justin made a pass on David, I knew it was time to go and did everything I could to try and pass David but luckily he kept a great pace and didnt let Justin get away. We all came into the pits within 20 seconds of each other!!! We all had quick pits and got out together. Right out of the pits the race was on between David and I, we had a good drag race through bushes but I found a straighter line and squeezed past David for second and held it wide open to distance myself and go after Justin. It was crazy, we were both going for it and Id catch him then make a mistake in his dust or hed have a good section of course and get away a little bit for 20 miles. I had sections to make passes but he took the good lines and I wasnt able to make a pass. Then towards the end of the loop my opportunity came, he swung wide on a corner and I held it tight and pinned it. I got right behind him on some truck course, the truck course split for a corner and he took the outside line and I went inside and got right next to him then used the speed and power of my awesome Yamaha 450 and made the pass. I made the next corner with inches to spare and pinned it again to keep him from squaring me up. After that it was a sprint to the finish, hairballing it to pass lappers and not give him any edge because I knew he did not want me to beat him. I was able to pick great lines and just flow through the rest of the course and use my Zeman Suspension and Fasst Company bars to launch rises and sail over whoops and other garbage the last few miles and hold Justin off and get the win! Im so happy to see my training paying off and knowing my bike is so good. With more time on the bike and training Ill be looking forward to 2015! Thanks to all my sponsors; Moose Racing, X Brand Goggles, Sidi Boots, Gpr Stabilizer, AME Grips, Dirt Tricks, Inc, FMF, IMS, John Burr Cycles, Kreed Eyes, and my dad, Ill get the pit right next time!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 00:48:57 +0000

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