Today was tough but yet I love how in the midst of our heartache, - TopicsExpress


Today was tough but yet I love how in the midst of our heartache, God is so faithful to remind us how he holds us when it hurts most. My 9 year old son has had hives for 2 and half weeks now. After trying everything and doctor visits it was decided to do an allergy panel. I am so serious when I say that my children do not cry with shots. But today, my son did. I was taken by surprise as I have never seen him so terrified. He had to give blood so the nurse suggested I sit and hold him. As they began he kept saying, Please dont, please dont do this. Im scared. I dont like it. I am sorry Im crying. Mommy, please, I am scared. He said all this with such panic in his voice that even now it rips my heart apart. As this was all happening I sang a song in his ear that I sing to him every night before he goes to sleep. Jesus, I trust in you. Jesus, I trust in you. In all that I do, and in all I go through, Jesus I trust in you. As I sang the song and heard his cries, it hit me on how often we cry just like that in pain and hurt, scared, and unsure with the trials we face. Then, just as I held my baby boy, trying to fight back tears, I knew that when we cry and when we hurt, God holds us and whispers in our ears. His heart breaks for us and he wants nothing but to bring comfort to you. Can you hear him tonight? If you are hurting, feeling scared, feeling unsure, paniced, or even broken..... can you just say this, Heavenly father, I need you to hold me tonight. Sleep in heavenly peace sweet wives on duty. All will be well. We keep moving forward. I will be taking a few days off of Facebook, talk to you soon. BIG hugs, Allison
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 05:03:57 +0000

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