Today we are going to share Gayeshan Sumihiras life story with you - TopicsExpress


Today we are going to share Gayeshan Sumihiras life story with you all. When life knocks you down, try to land on your back. Because if you can look up, you can get up Gayeshan is a trainee therapist at Thusare Talking Hands since Feb 2014. Gayashan was born as a healthy child to his family in 1987. He has a younger sister and no brothers. His home town is Kuliyapitiya. He started his education in Eluwapola Primary School and got his secondary education in Srisarananda Central College in Wewagama. He was the vice captain of Kabadi Team in his school. He was a talented boy both in education and sports. He has successfully passed his O/L examination and studied A/L in Commerce Stream. He dreamed to become an entrepreneur. He started his A/L with lots of hopes and happiness. But when he was in Grade 12 he faced learning inabilities and he underwent an eye treatment. Doctors found that his both eyes were affected by glaucoma. He started treatments in 2005 and got treatments from several places. But unfortunately treatments did not work. He was unable to sit his A/L examination due to low vision. Finally he left school and stayed at home and supported for his father’s business. Gayashan got a job opportunity from Sanasa Bank in 2007 and worked as a Field Officer. He also joined with Youth Corp Centre in Kuliyapitiya and got six month training. He was an active member in his family. He taught Buddhism at Dampasala in his village. Unfortunately both his eyes slowly started losing vision and he started to suffer physically and mentally. He became V1 level of vision. He could not carry out his work by his self and unable to read and write. He felt as his life spoiled and hopeless. He was unable to face community and his friends. But his parents did not leave him alone. They supported him, encouraged him to lift his life up. He got to know about Social Services Department and their Vocational Training Centre through Pradeshiya Sabha in Kuliyapitiya. He determined to rebuild his life and joined with Seeduwa Vocational Training Centre in 2013 and got the therapeutic massage course there. He met Vijayakumar and Sandun in the centre. They had a close friendship during the training program. His training instructor Mr.Sanjeewa Adikari explained them about Thusare Talking Hands and the job opportunities for the visually impaired youth. He was very happy to learn about Thusare. After completion of the course he got a happy news from Thusare. Mr. Ishikawa, Founder of Thusare asked Gayashan to join with the Massage Therapy Centre. He was very happy. He joined with Thusare in 2014 and working as a trainee therapist. He says that before join with Thusare his life was hopeless and spoiled. But now he has a dream and target. Further he mentioned that he got a very good massage training in Seeduwa Vocational Training Centre and he improving and experiencing his therapeutic skills in Thusare. He will be always thankful for that. He says that before joined with Thusare he couldn’t support his family. But now he is able to cover his expenses and cost of medical treatments. Gayashan likes to learn spiritual things. He also likes helping people. He believes that be happy with what we have while we pursue all that we want. He can sing songs and he likes music. He sings songs in concerts of disabled in Kuliyapitiya Social Services Department. Gayashans training has finished on September and he became professional therapist of Thusare Talking Hands now!
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 06:42:25 +0000

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