Today we assemble to honor those who lost their lives 13 years - TopicsExpress


Today we assemble to honor those who lost their lives 13 years ago. We gather to remember that horrific day, that will remain in our memories for the rest of our lives. We also gather to remember those who died, as well as all those heroic first responders who rushed in to save others and lost their lives, without a second thought to their own safety. Today we must also realize that that horrific day is still claiming many victims that were present that day. The first responders that stood on the piles of debris searching for survivors or recovering loved ones to give closure to families seeking to ascertain the status of their loved ones. Many of these brave men and woman today are suffering from life threatening medical conditions, and many have succumbed to cancer, yet they have to fight for benefits. As we honor those who died in 911 understand that the actions of the cowards who flew those planes into the world trade center 13 years ago are still claiming victims. In honor of the people who lost their lives we have a responsibility to stand up and lend our collective voices and stand by the people still suffering today to ensure that they are taken care of, that they receive the benefits for the service that they gave this country 13 years ago. Lastly I want you to look around you as we stand here today. You will see fireman, police officers, veterans, and others who stand on the front line, that without hesitation put their lives on the line day after day to protect you, and come to your aid in times of trouble. Shake their hands, thank them for their service, take pride in the fact that these people live and selfishly serve our community. They are true examples of what is good about America, about the values we hold dear, they are all true American heroes.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 19:11:04 +0000

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