Today we celebrate Adoption Day in our house. Four years ago - TopicsExpress


Today we celebrate Adoption Day in our house. Four years ago today, Lloyd and I in front of judge swore that we would raise and love Ian the same as if he had been biologically born to us. It is also referred to as finalization. We met Ian when he was less than 24 hours old and took him home from the hospital. About a week later, his birthmom appeared in court to terminate her rights. At that point his legal guardians were the adoption agency. Over the next months, home visits occurred to make sure that this was a good placement and everyone was doing well. At any point if the agency had concerns for his well being, they would have taken him out of our home and placed him in foster care. His birthmom had terminated her rights, he would not have been placed with her. There were noissues and we finalized his adoption in the morning, went out to brunch then took Paden back to school as he was in 3rd grade. I explain today as sometimes it is confusing if you havent been through the process. He was family the day we met him, January 23 yet there were steps to take for him to legally be a member of our family.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 13:26:11 +0000

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