Today we disclosed details to solve the social security shortfall - TopicsExpress


Today we disclosed details to solve the social security shortfall of 13 trillion. People dont know how to respond. They are still waiting for R or D drama to play out over Fox News or CNN. Ideas over demonization. Discussion over drama. Problem solving over political grandstanding. The I is a great place to live. The media leaves you alone because you dont give bulletin board material that creates sensationalized journalism to sell ads. They dont know who to quote to create journalistic tension to sell a story. Lets face it--the media has no idea how to cover thoughtful ideas and sell it on TV. Today we put tough decisions to paper to solve social security and they want to talk Dave Domina and legalizing pot. I was probably dumb and gave them a quote. Popular journalism over problem solving is their problem. Its the voters problem they pay attention to it. Its your choice Nebraska. Its up to you to elect a problem solver or keep playing this moronic game of D vs. R Do you think God will give you a high five for voting a lesser evil or what is right? After all WE are in control right (sarcasm intentional)? You can align with a group motivated by fear of the left, join the group committed to tarnish the image of the right or you can join us and seize the opportunity to fight for a return to constitutional principles. We believe in We the People to make the collective individual decisions to return to One Nation Under God. All are welcome on our bus. We dont allow naysayers but we do allow frank and open discussion to solve problems. We respect difference of opinion but we reserve the right to disagree with respect to the other individual a requirement in disagreement (a revolutionary thought I know). You will not be tarnished as a leper in our camp if you have an idea that doesnt fit into the established leadership mold. In the Watson camp, we do put a moral code into play when we vote. You are welcome to disagree with that. We will not hate you, like you may us, because we know what it is like to be discriminated against as an I . We just want you to be fully informed on how Todd will vote. We believe in full disclosure for educational voting. However, unlike other groups we will not demonize non believers or others with different trains of thought. We realize we are imperfect as well. Furthermore, we welcome new thoughts to find a better answer. We realize truth lies in the different experiences and talents given by God to different people. I maybe the first candidate that has supporters fearful from both sides of splitting their vote. Why? Because we each share some valid points. Wall Street and Washington are the centers of greed and power. Both structures are full of sin. When you seek to build up one and degrade the other you are half right. We need to return to the Constitution to where checks and balances were placed on BOTH institutions to protect the union and liberty of the people. Truth is embodied in that document. Everything else is a compromise of the American civil truth. It is up to the voter to pick compromise to a lesser evil IN A PERCEPTION to win or vote truth and guarantee their personal win. The sad thing is the voter maybe fooled to buy the propaganda yet again paid for by the crooks on Wall Street or the honest but unfortunate failed policies of big government bankrupting our country. Change must start now. The choice starts with you contemplating your personal vote. Block out the hype, the TV, the media and others. Take some time and wrestle with right. You can live with yourself when you do the right thing. No one knows your vote in the booth. You can still thump your chest and proclaim establishment sayings to keep your friends in your circle if you need that collective majority acceptance. You might be surprised to find many agree with us but are still building up the courage to stand strongly in a new direction. Or you can beat yourself up when you violate your conscious and let yourself down to help the lesser evil choice win. Think of it as not having to pick the Red Sox or the Yankees as a lesser evil in the playoffs. You dont have to pretend to the majority of loud people in the sports bar that you are OK with either Boston or New York. Think of it as actually getting to root for a team you like -- The Royals! ;) Join us! The feeling of speaking truth, solving problems without drama, and encouraging each other in debate will improve the situation. We are not obsessed with winning like partisans. We are interested in finding right for the sake of liberty for ourselves and future generations. We realize everyone else is just operating under the emotion of fear and or the desire for control. The only thing we need to fear is fear itself and we realize God is still in control. We are just exercising our convictions in voting for him to view. He will determine the outcome. Join us in the problem solving camp. You are welcome here.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 03:21:24 +0000

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