Today we enter into the indigenous 13-day cycle of White Magnetic - TopicsExpress


Today we enter into the indigenous 13-day cycle of White Magnetic Mirror I thought it necessary for all of us who like to marvel at ourselves or criticize ourselves based on the reflection we see in the mirror use the wisdom of this cycle to serve to liberate us from destructive self-talk. What makes this beginning of a cycle day so special is this powerful mother/children short A Capella post harmony with the caption of Do you like you by Erika Badu. Below find a descriptive definition of what this cycle entails-perhaps you will find your own reflection in it and make great strides to work on the image youd like to project. Tone 1: Magnetic - Unity White Mirror is your Conscious Self - who you are and who you are becoming. White Mirror represents the Hall of Mirrors, where you can face your own reflection and see the truth about yourself. As a mirror, White Mirror merely reflects what is, whether truth, beauty or illusion. Here you can face unfinished business, the dissonance of difficulties, or charged issues that would keep you from the full expression of your Divinity. Become aware of any illusions or distortions within yourself; your clarity of perception will transform them. Take a moment to see yourself as you actually are, shadow and all, freed from the maze of mental illusion. Sometimes you may find yourself reacting rather than freely responding to a situation or person. If you have charged reactions such as frustration, anger, fear, judgement or jealousy, look at how you might be projecting these issues onto someone else. The world is the mirror for you to truly see. Any strong reaction to a person or event signals an issue to work on in yourself. Be willing to examine and utilize what you see in your mirrors, in order to transform dysfunctional belief systems, negative thought forms, and fixed patterns. In the Hall of Mirrors there is no good or bad, no right or wrong - there is only the reflection of what is. As you learn to see yourself, you begin to see your emotional reactions as signs indicating where to focus your awareness for growth. On this quest, come prepared to face White Mirrors sword of truth and purification. The wisdom of this sword penetrates, exposes, and ultimately heals your illusions. Discrimination is tempered with love cleanly cuts away everything that does not serve your evolution. To the Maya, White Mirror is the flint that hones your sword. The greatest gift of the sword is the power of forgiveness. A profound freedom emerges from forgiveness, the releasing of the illusion of cause and effect. Use the great gifts offered in this blade of truth and light to forgive and release anything you may judge or see as imperfect. You are already an Enlightened Being! The color for White Mirror is reflective silver. Silver symbolizes the lunar intelligence of intuition and receptiveness, the mirrored illusions of duality and multiplicity. In the larger pattern, all things are reflections of the greater reality. Silver offers a glimpse of the Great Mystery, the reflection of things as they really are. To access the qualities and teachings of White Mirror, utilize silver. White Mirrors are able to clearly reflect others back to themselves once their own mirror is clear. White Mirror is also your Higher Self & Guide. (you are guided by your own power doubled) To the Maya, White Mirror is the knife that cuts you free from that which binds you. The sword of White Mirror symbolizes truth, light, and the beneficial use of power - that is, power balanced with love and wisdom. As such, White Mirror can be seen as a symbol of spiritual warriorship. In becoming a spiritual rainbow warrior, you choose to undergo apparent tests and trials - to temper your blade in order to bring forth great wisdom. You undertake initiation by the light, that you might fully fuse with your Essence Self. White Mirror is an octave above Blue Monkey, the trickster/fool. Here, at last, the cosmic joke can finally be appreciated and understood. And the joke, of course, is that you are already an enlightened being! Meditate with the star-glyph White Mirror. Encoded within its pattern is an aerial view of a three-dimensional Mayan pyramid, the interlock of matter, the crack between worlds. Through meditation, you can unlock the mystery in this pattern of White Mirror. Its star-glyph reflects the apparent duality of male and female, light and dark, happy and sad, ignorant and wise. As part of the Mind of Light curriculum, you have chosen to experience all of these positions in order to learn more about your consciousness. At any time, however, you can choose to sit fluidly poised between any two polarized positions, becoming a third point above the linear patterning of duality. In so doing, you create a triangle of light that expands duality into a more open system. With further expansion you can create a multidimensional pyramid of light within which you are poised in the crystal clarity of the eternal now. In this time of transformation, the pyramid of heaven is touching the pyramid of Earth, and the crack between the worlds is widening. On the platform of this expanding present moment, heaven and Earth are merging as one.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 21:54:32 +0000

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